Search For being In Quotes 2527

You have to come in and be that character when you walk into the room. That's what one of my first acting teachers taught me. You know don't go in there being Jennifer and then expect to flip and change because they're not going to have that imagination.

The problem with being sure that God is on your side is that you can't change your mind because God sure isn't going to change His.

The experience of being in space didn't change my perspective of myself or of the planet or of life. I had no spiritual experience.

Maybe one day the world will change that we'll be in a luxurious position of being able to debate whether or not it's inherently wrong to eat animals but the question doesn't matter right now.

I believe we should reframe our response to climate change as an imperative for growth rather than merely being a way of being green or meeting environmental commitments.

Washington is still very much a male-oriented culture. Being from Los Angeles I think it is less so there - there is less attachment to tradition perhaps there is more flexibility more acceptance of change generally. That is partly because of Hollywood.

I didn't think that college math was for me. I didn't think I'd be able to hack it. And that perception of math not being for girls not being for girls who see themselves as socially well adjusted has got to change.

The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds can change the outer aspects of their lives.

Politics is repetition. It is not change. Change is something beyond what we call politics. Change is the essence politics is supposed to be the means to bring into being.

The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life the dignity of man the right of every human being to liberty and well-being.

We think that democracy can change a lot of things but we're being fooled because democracy is not the election. We've been taught that democracy is having elections. And it isn't. Elections are the most horrendous aspect of democracy. It's the most mundane trivial disappointing dirty aspect.

I have always been aware that you have to get people listening before you can change their minds. Any artist's big fear is being ignored so if you get debate that's great.

Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges mayors and governors who are given to change defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas.

My goal was never to just create a company. A lot of people misinterpret that as if I don't care about revenue or profit or any of those things. But what not being just a company means to me is not being just that - building something that actually makes a really big change in the world.

Being ready isn't enough you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change.

The low points I had all helped make up my character so I probably wouldn't want to do away with them because I like being flawed and I like having them help me grow and change and become better and stronger.

They say marriage will change you but it didn't change me. Being in love changed me.

I've seen firsthand that being president doesn't change who you are. It reveals who you are.

Human beings are the only animal that thinks they change who they are simply by moving to a different place. Birds migrate but it's not quite the same thing.

As human beings we do change grow adapt perhaps even learn and become wiser.

Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent.

Movies always are open to being remade because times change so much and the tempo of movies changes. I think of it like a James Bond. They can have different actors play the same role... I've had people come up to me and say 'We want to remake 'The Jerk' with so and so.' And I say 'Fine.' It just doesn't bother me. It's an honor actually.

Americans have so far put up with inequality because they felt they could change their status. They didn't mind others being rich as long as they had a path to move up as well. The American Dream is all about social mobility in a sense - the idea that anyone can make it.

If people don't like me for whatever I do for being me then that's too bad. I don't want to change to be something that I'm not for other people to like me.