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I hope we never get to the point that we put ourselves in Jesus' place. But when I read the New Testament basically we get three mandates: to love God to love each other and to take care of the least among us. And I think this is at least a step in the right direction.

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My mother a teacher encouraged me to use my creativity as an actual way to make a living and my father a Mississippi physician did two things. First he taught me that all human beings should be treated equally because no one is better than anyone else and he never pressured me to become a doctor.

I stopped and gazed on the little dull man who was being paid to be a teacher of teachers. I turned and walked to the door slammed it closed with a bang and broken glass crashed to the floor. There was uproar behind me in the class which did not interest me at all.

I was terrified of being a teacher. To stand in front of a classroom the responsibility is boggling. Imagine! Standing in front of people!

I loved almost everything about being a teacher but I was an unusual teacher.

I think it is most important for a teacher to play the pieces and studies that are being played by the student.

The teacher of history's work should be ideally not simply a description of past cultures but a performance of the culture in which we live and are increasingly taking our being.

I wanted to be an English teacher. I wanted to do it for the corduroy jackets with patches on the side. When I got to college as I was walking across campus one day I ripped off a little flyer for this sketch-comedy group. It ended up being one of the greatest things I've ever done.

It was difficult being a teacher and out of the closet in the '50s. By the time I retired the English department was proud of having a gay poet of a certain minor fame. It was a very satisfactory change!

Of all the hard jobs around one of the hardest is being a good teacher.

One of the most extraordinary things about being a spiritual teacher is the rare privilege of being able to look deeply into the very souls of many human beings at the same time.

My being a teacher had a decisive influence on making language and systems as simple as possible so that in my teaching I could concentrate on the essential issues of programming rather than on details of language and notation.

Writing became an obsessive compulsive habit but I had almost no money so I thought about being an urban firefighter and having lots of free time in which to write or becoming an English teacher and thinking about books and writers on a daily basis. That swayed me.

If you told me when I was a teen that I would end up being a teacher I would have said you're out of your mind because quite frankly I hated school.

When I started writing full time I had not long stopped being a teacher and when at last I had a full day to write I would put music on and wonder to myself - am I allowed to do this? Then I thought: 'I am control of this and no one is telling me what I can do.'

I love kids so two things that I have thought about are being a pediatrician or a kindergarten teacher.

Literature is my life of course but from an ontological point of view. From an existential point of view I like being a teacher.

Being a mother has been my greatest teacher and also the most self-sacrificing thing I've ever done.

Prior to being allowed to enter the profession prospective teachers should be asked to talk with a group of friendly students for at least half an hour and be able to engage them in an interesting conversation about any subject the prospective teacher wants to talk about.

I am sure it is one's duty as a teacher to try to show boys that no opinions no tastes no emotions are worth much unless they are one's own. I suffered acutely as a boy from the lack of being shown this.

In a Glasser Quality School there is no such thing as a closed book test. Students are told to get out their notes and open their books. There is no such thing as being forbidden to ask the teacher or another student for help.

If I can make a teacher's salary doing comedy I think that's better than being a teacher.

I have to express sympathy from the bottom of my heart to those people who were taken as wartime comfort women. As a human being I would like to express my sympathies and also as prime minister of Japan I need to apologize to them.

There's no greater way to gain an audience's sympathy than by being unfortunate.

I have a theory because I was being beaten up a lot by people outside of school it was almost like if I could make myself sick enough they'd take sympathy on me.