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You don't know what unconditional love is. You may say you do but if you don't have a child you don't know what that is. But when you experience it it is the most fulfilling ever.

Search For ground In Quotes 310

For the past several years I have remained what others would consider underground. I did this in order to build a community of people like-minded in their desire for freedom and the right to pursue their goals and lives without being manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex with a completely different agenda.

Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.

I like to say jazz music is kind of like my musical equivalent of comfort food. You know it's always where I go back to when I just want to feel sort of grounded.

My food is Louisiana New Orleans-based well-seasoned rustic. I think it's pretty unique because of my background being influenced by my mom Portuguese and French Canadian. There's a lot going on there.

We begin to see therefore the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care because environment is the mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our minds is extracted.

I never eat in a restaurant that's over a hundred feet off the ground and won't stand still.

The groundwork of all happiness is health.

Jogging is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and your feet. It's also very good for the ground. If makes it feel needed.

Over the past few years the road to confrontation has shown its consequences: loss of innocent lives destruction and fear. Most costly however was the loss of hope. The most precious gift that you can present to your peoples over the coming weeks is renewed hope born out of tangible progress on the ground.

Fear has many eyes and can see things underground.

I don't feel I was ever a 'famous' child actor. I was just a working actor who happened to be a kid. I was never really in a hit show until I was a teenager with West Wing playing First Daughter Zoey Bartlet. In a way that was my saving grace - not being a star on a hit show. It kept me working and kept me grounded.

I'm not in the business of becoming famous. And that's the advice I give to younger aspiring actors. Work onstage and do the little roles. In the end it's not important to be seen. It's important to do. There's a lot of disappointment in this business but my family keeps me grounded.

I can't advise any of the young ones because I don't know what their background was but I would suggest that anyone who wants to be famous more than anything - there's a real problem.

My family truly believes they are better cooks than I am. They see me as Giada not as a celebrity chef. To them I'm just me - their granddaughter niece etc. and they're older and wiser. I like that because it keeps you grounded.

When I do get free time I spend a lot of it at home with my family and my close friends and I think that's what keeps me happy healthy grounded and totally in check.

Family life was wonderful. The streets were bleak. The playgrounds were bleak. But home was always warm. My mother and father had a great relationship. I always felt 'safe' there.

I'm from a lower middle class background all my family were immigrants.

Going home and spending time with your family and your real friends keeps you grounded.

When his life was ruined his family killed his farm destroyed Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens 'Why god? Why me?' and the thundering voice of God answered 'There's just something about you that pisses me off.'

In dwelling live close to the ground. In thinking keep to the simple. In conflict be fair and generous. In governing don't try to control. In work do what you enjoy. In family life be completely present.

My family background was deeply Christian.

It's really important to say this. Often the faith schools were founded before the state provided education. I want good education in this country so I'm not going to slag off faith schools. I think that it's important that people of different backgrounds and different faiths go to school together and many faith schools do that.

Christianity emerged from the religion of Israel. Or rather it has as its background a persistent strain in that religion. To that strain Christians have looked back and rightly as the preparation in history for their faith.

The ultimate ground of faith and knowledge is confidence in God.