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I've always remembered something Sanford Meisner my acting teacher told us. When you create a character it's like making a chair except instead of making someting out of wood you make it out of yourself. That's the actor's craft - using yourself to create a character.

Search For lived In Quotes 241

Had we lived I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale.

A wise woman recognizes when her life is out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it she knows the meaning of true generosity happiness is the reward for a life lived in harmony with a courage and grace.

History despite its wrenching pain cannot be unlived but if faced with courage need not be lived again.

You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'

The '80s made up for all the abuse I took during the '70s. I outlived all my critics. By the time I retired everybody saw me as a venerable institution. Things do change.

For having lived long I have experienced many instances of being obliged by better information or fuller consideration to change opinions even on important subjects which I once thought right but found to be otherwise.

We emphasize that we believe in change because we were born of it we have lived by it we prospered and grew great by it. So the status quo has never been our god and we ask no one else to bow down before it.

True life is lived when tiny changes occur.

I'm gonna be the best dad that ever lived. I'll have a ranch with a race car track and a golf course.

In college my big money memory was saving up to buy a car with my boyfriend whom I lived with.

I lived in small town out in the desert and my friend used to steal his mom's car in the middle of the night. He'd drive over to my house I'd sneak out and we'd go out to the desert and just burn things down.

I lived on the top of one hill and the school was at the top of another hill. Nobody ever went to school by car - we didn't have any cars during the war. So that to and from school was itself a training.

Life is an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others.

I really feel like life will dictate itself. You should allow it to unfold as naturally as possible. Just go with the flow. When you're really desperate you say a few prayers and hope for the best. That's the way I've always lived my life.

I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

I know my country has not perfected itself. At times we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.

This is the precept by which I have lived: Prepare for the worst expect the best and take what comes.

He who has done his best for his own time has lived for all times.

The South is very beautiful but its beauty makes one sad because the lives that people live here and have lived here are so ugly.

I felt I had to share Idaho with my friend from New York because he'd shared New York with me so I was going to share the beauty of nature with a man who went to museums and clubs late at night. But there was nothing to do where I lived at night.

Beauty comes from a life well lived. If you've lived well your smile lines are in the right places and your frown lines aren't too bad what more do you need?

There's a beauty to wisdom and experience that cannot be faked. It's impossible to be mature without having lived.

Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.

Many say an art dealer running a museum is a 'conflict of interest.' But maybe the art world has lived an artificial or unintentional lie all of these years when it comes to conflicts of interest.