Search For being In Quotes 2527

The most important quality in a leader is that of being acknowledged as such. All leaders whose fitness is questioned are clearly lacking in force.

And I was very shy as a kid if you sang me 'Happy Birthday ' I would cry. Quite shy. So the idea of being an actor much less a model was just out of this world.

I started running around my 30th birthday. I wanted to lose weight I didn't anticipate the serenity. Being in motion suddenly my body was busy and so my head could work out some issues I had swept under a carpet of wine and cheese. Good therapy that's a good run.

I was fired at the pinnacle of my career on my 39th birthday. And in the year that followed I learned that there are many psychological phases of being 'let go.'

My ace in the hole as a human being used to be my capacity for remembering birthdays. I worked at it. Whenever I made a new friend I made a point of finding out his or her birthday early on and I would record it in my Filofax calendar.

Mum loves me being famous! She is so excited and proud as she had me so young and couldn't support me so I am living her dream it's sweeter for both of us. It's her 40th birthday soon and I'm going to buy her 40 presents.

Being seventy is not a sin.

I've found the best way is to not be scared of the attention but to be grateful for it and open to it. It makes my days better rather than being annoyed that people want my attention.

Speaking of Twitter I don't even know if I composed a blog entry in 2009 as I was too busy parceling my every thought into cute 140-character sound bites. I used to only worry about being pithy for a living now some of my best lines are wasted on a free app!

If being an attractive woman got you attention for directing then the entire 'best director' category would be comprised of models. To me that is just the most ludicrous connection that you could make.

I don't think there's anybody in America who thinks my personality is best suited to being Number Two.

Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

Next to being witty the best thing is being able to quote another's wit.

Being fired was the best luck of my life. It made me stop and reflect. It was the birth of my life as a writer.

I feel I'd like to share my luck and my life. Being in love is the best thing in the world.

No human being is constituted to know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and even the best of men must be content with fragments with partial glimpses never the full fruition.

Compassion has no place in the natural order of the world which operates on the basis of necessity. Compassion opposes this order and is therefore best thought of as being in some way supernatural.

Holidays are the best. I couldn't imagine being from a small family.

I think that from the time you start playing sports as a child you see that your responsibility to your team is to play the best that you can play as an individual... and yet not take anything away from being part of a team.

Comfort in expressing your emotions will allow you to share the best of yourself with others but not being able to control your emotions will reveal your worst.

Sometimes you feel awkward being what you're best at you feel like you have to be something new.

Being a mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. Before you have your first baby you are a girl and then you become a mother. There is no transition into being a woman you literally become a mum and being a mum means you always love someone else more than yourself and it is an unexplainable situation.

Every day people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life. Every human being has the potential for greatness.

To all the positions I just bring the determination to win. Me being an unselfish player I think that can carry on to my teammates. When you have one of the best players on the court being unselfish I think that transfers to the other players.