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And when I was young my family was perfectly nice. I write a lot about it as you noticed. But it was rather limited. I think I don't think anyone in my family would really feel I'd done them an injustice by saying that. We didn't see many people. There were many books. It was as if I wanted to get away from home.

Search For activities In Quotes 42

From our perspective trying to deal with this continuing campaign of terror if you will the war on terror that we're engaged in this is a continuing enterprise. The people that were involved in some of those activities before 9/11 are still out there.

Each day as I travel through downtown Tucson I am amazed at how quickly the most ancient of human behaviors have changed. For as long as there have been Homo sapiens - roughly 200 000 years - people have filled their lives principally with two activities: talking directly with other people and doing physical things.

When my time on earth is gone and my activities here are passed I want they bury me upside down and my critics can kiss my ass!

Sports are one of the main cultural activities on the face of the earth.

Historians and archaeologists will one day discover that the ads of our time are the richest and most faithful reflections that any society ever made of its entire range of activities.

I met my wife Anne who was a sociology student and her influence together with activities associated with the student movement of the time opened up my interests amongst other things into the theatre art music politics and philosophy.

The United Nations will be at the heart of our international activities. France will assume its full responsibilities at the Security Council by putting its status at the service of peace respect for human rights and development.

Very much like that and very much a loner do you know and I didn't fit really into sport or all kind of group activities as a kid I couldn't find a niche. And music was not really part of the kind of village curriculum it would you know.

When I was a teenager I began to settle into school because I'd discovered the extracurricular activities that interested me: music and theater.

Everyone related to me in my circle was from church: church friends church school church activities. All my friends weren't allowed to watch MTV or go to PG-13 movies or listen to the radio so I didn't really know anything different. That's how I was raised.

I learned that we can do anything but we can't do everything... at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do but when you do them. Timing is everything.

Why in almost all societies have married women specialized in bearing and rearing children and in certain agricultural activities whereas married men have done most of the fighting and market work?

I also urge the Obama administration - both on its own and in cooperation with other responsible governments around the world - to use all legal means necessary to shut down WikiLeaks before it can do more damage by releasing additional cables. WikiLeaks' activities represent a shared threat to collective international security.

I think Mr. Clarke had a tendency to interfere too much with the activities of the CIA and our leadership at the senior level let him interfere too much. So criticism from him I kind of wear as a badge of honor.

Among my activities was membership in the Boy Scouts I rose each year through the ranks eventually achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and undertaking leadership roles in the organization.

This persistence as private firms continued because it ensured the maximum of anonymity and secrecy to persons of tremendous public power who dreaded public knowledge of their activities as an evil almost as great as inflation.

Proper school nutrition must be complemented by activities outside of the cafeteria. The decisions parents make to keep their kids healthy are critical in fighting this battle on the home front.

Intervention for the prevention and control of osteoporosis should comprise a combination of legislative action educational measures health service activities media coverage and individual counselling to initiate changes in behaviour.

In order to lead a country or a company you've got to get everybody on the same page and you've got to be able to have a vision of where you're going. America can't have a vision of health care for everybody green economy regulations - can't have a bunch of piece-meal activities. It's got to have a vision.

The number of illegal activities were so large that one was bound to come out and lead to the uncovering of the others. Nixon was too willing to use the power of government to settle scores and get even with enemies.

So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system.

Of all human activities man's listening to God is the supreme act of his reasoning and will.

The freedom to connect to the world anywhere at anytime brings with it the threat of unscrupulous predators and criminals who mask their activities with the anonymity the Internet provides to its users.

I have long recognized a link between fitness and mental health and I think we need to encourage young people to take part in sports and team activities because we know it has such positive results.