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I am a sportsman and not a politician. I am a sportsman and will always remain one. I am not going to enter politics giving up cricket which is my life. I will continue to play cricket.

Search For agenda In Quotes 57

Any successful nominee should possess both the temperament to interpret the law and the wisdom to do so fairly. The next Supreme Court Justice should have a record of protecting individual rights and a strong willingness to put aside any political agenda.

You should be careful what you wish for as the reasons for war get confused. One person can be very clear in their motives but others can have different agendas.

I aimlessly travel meaning I have no agenda other than to get small in the world be quiet and observe people.

I am a technological activist. I have a political agenda. I am in favor of basic human rights: to free speech to use any information and technology to purchase and use recreational drugs to enjoy and purchase so-called 'vices' to be free of intruders and to privacy.

If we allow our self-congratulatory adoration of technology to distract us from our own contact with each other then somehow the original agenda has been lost.

The Occupy movement needs an organizing principle and - just as the Tea Party did - it needs some actual measures of success. Choose one candidate whose agenda is squarely within that of the movement and make his or her electoral success a focal point.

Approach the game with no preset agendas and you'll probably come away surprised at your overall efforts.

In general science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature Cell The New England Journal of Medicine - which set the agenda.

For this reason the expansion of relations with all countries is on the agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I mean balanced relationships based on mutual respect and observation of each other's rights.

Our institute's agenda is relatively simple. We study the relationship between social-economic change and culture. By culture we mean beliefs values and lifestyles. We cover a broad range of issues and we work very internationally.

The thing is if you control the Senate meetings you control the gavel. And the gavel is a very important instrument... an instrument of power. An instrument that establishes the agenda.

We would like to ease the life of the Palestinians. I prepared a new plan that we call a positive agenda.

We need a positive economic agenda that invests in the innovation and growth that will create jobs for middle class families and ensure that America remains the world leader.

Congress must take responsibility for a new positive direction - an innovative agenda that will lead to a more secure America. Secure communities secure economies and a secure quality of life.

Women are called upon to defend every bit of progress we have made against particularly virulent attack. But we must also hold out a vision put forth a positive agenda of what women need and want and then move forward toward that dream.

'Yes' is a far more potent word than 'no' in American politics. By adopting the positions which animate the political agenda for the other side one can disarm them and leave them sputtering with nothing to say.

Thus the focus on this main political goal must become more visible in EU politics and to achieve this we need a political impulse. It must be clear what the priorities on the agenda are.

On the one hand the financial projection is on the agenda - we will see if this problem can be resolved or not. I think it is a right idea to stage a special summit which would deal with the question of priorities of European politics.

Once you start saying 'Let's talk political my own politics my own aspirations ' it can become not just distracting in that it takes time but it can become confusing and frustrating and is this now a political agenda or a governmental agenda.

I do have a political agenda. It's to have as few regulations as possible.

Conservatism has had from its inception vigorously positive intellectually rigorous agenda and thinking. That agenda should have in my three pillars: strengthen the economy strengthen our security and strengthen our families.

But if republicans are to prevail if the peace process is to be successfully concluded and Irish sovereignty and re-unification secured then we have to set the agenda - no-one else is going to do that.

I came to the conclusion that in order to end racial barriers I needed to run for the office of the president and put forth an agenda of social justice and world peace. In addition I concluded that someone needed to run and challenge the liberal orthodoxy.

People always try to find my agenda but I don't really have one. It's safe to say that I make pop but I think that I'm doing important music too. I've just always done what I wanted to do.