Search For amuse In Quotes 30

Brits and Americans have hundreds of different phrases for the same thing. Luckily it's usually a source of amusement rather than frustration. A flashlight by any other name is still a torch. My personal favourite is 'fairy lights ' which we boringly refer to as 'Christmas lights.'

Everyone carries his own inch rule of taste and amuses himself by applying it triumphantly wherever he travels.

I'm very good with technology I always have been and with machines in general. They seem not threatening like other people find them but a source of fun and amusement.

Happy people are ignoramuses and glory is nothing else but success and to achieve it one only has to be cunning.

Thus so wretched is man that he would weary even without any cause for weariness... and so frivolous is he that though full of a thousand reasons for weariness the least thing such as playing billiards or hitting a ball is sufficient enough to amuse him.

We never respect those who amuse us however we may smile at their comic powers.

What a pity it is that we have no amusements in England but vice and religion!

I don't personally try to balance my work because I operate under the assumption that anyone reading or watching my stuff isn't having a particularly balanced day anyway. But negative attitudes just amuse me more than positive ones.

Since the printing press came into being poetry has ceased to be the delight of the whole community of man it has become the amusement and delight of the few.

I was a huge fan of comedy and movies and TV growing up and I was able to memorize and mimic a lot of things not realizing that that meant I probably wanted to be an actor. I just really really amused myself and my friends with memorizing entire George Carlin or Steve Martin albums.

Yesterday morning I amused myself with an exercise of a talent I once possessed but have so neglected that my performance might almost be called an experiment. I cut out a dress for one of the women.

A marriage is no amusement but a solemn act and generally a sad one.

Life would be tolerable but for its amusements.

Life has a higher end than to be amused.

While the laughter of joy is in full harmony with our deeper life the laughter of amusement should be kept apart from it. The danger is too great of thus learning to look at solemn things in a spirit of mockery and to seek in them opportunities for exercising wit.

It always amuses me that the biggest praise for my work comes for the imagination while the truth is that there's not a single line in all my work that does not have a basis in reality. The problem is that Caribbean reality resembles the wildest imagination.

I'm just very amused by five-year-old humor.

The advantages found in history seem to be of three kinds as it amuses the fancy as it improves the understanding and as it strengthens virtue.

A am a great friend of public amusements they keep people from vice.

I don't get angry very often. I lose my temper rarely. And when I do there's always a legitimate cause. Normally I have a great lightness of being. I take things in a very happy amused way.

I'm undaunted in my quest to amuse myself by constantly changing my hair.

James Bond is quite serious about his drinks and clothing and cigarettes and food and all that sort of thing. There is nothing wry or amused about James Bond.

You can give men food and leisure and amusements and good conditions of work and still they will remain unsatisfied. You can deny them all these things and they will not complain so long as they feel that they have something to die for.

At Current television is all we do - that's our business. We don't have amusement parks I have to worry about we don't have environmental cases against us we don't have a series of outdoor-advertising companies.