Search For argue In Quotes 65

The trouble with women umpires is that I couldn't argue with one. I'd put my arms around her and give her a little kiss.

You don't argue with a four-year old about why he shouldn't eat candy for dinner. You don't punch a mentally handicapped guy even if he punches you first. And you don't argue when a women tells you she's only making 80 cents to your dollar. It's the path of least resistance. You save your energy for more important battles.

Whenever you argue with another wiser than yourself in order that others may admire your wisdom they will discover your ignorance.

The word philosophy sounds high-minded but it simply means the love of wisdom. If you love something you don't just read about it you hug it you mess with it you play with it you argue with it.

The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention argues that no two countries that are both part of the same global supply chain will ever fight a war as long as they are each part of that supply chain.

But does that mean that war and violence are inevitable? I would argue not because we have also evolved this amazingly sophisticated intellect and we are capable of controlling our innate behavior a lot of the time.

Some have argued that confronting the threat from Iraq could detract from the war against terror. To the contrary confronting the threat posed by Iraq is crucial to winning the war on terror.

In fact I argue that the future of advertising whatever the technology will be to associate each brand with one word. This is one word equity. It's the modern equivalent of having the best site on the high street except the location is in the mind.

I have argued above that we cannot prevent the Singularity that its coming is an inevitable consequence of the humans' natural competitiveness and the possibilities inherent in technology.

Without any doubt at all teacher quality is the fundamental differentiator. Not just incidentally of education but I would argue probably the biggest single differentiator of success for the nations of the 21st Century.

When you see something that is technically sweet you go ahead and do it and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success. That is the way it was with the atomic bomb.

I don't really like politics that much. And I like the order and simplicity of sports. They have an ending. You can argue with your friends about it but in the end you still like sports. I almost love the fantasy world of sports more than the real world.

I would argue that we have a generation of young people particularly minorities who are no longer putting up with the kinds of things their parents put up with. They're much more self-confident. It's no longer acceptable to make fun of people because of race or sex. But it has always been present in American society.

I would argue that the issue of God and the issue of science have the same roots.

It's sad - it's sad for us old enough to remember when directors ruled and films were substantially better than they are today. But it's hard to argue with those kinds of grosses.

People here argue about religion interminably but it appears that they are competing at the same time to see who can be the least devout.

You should see what our Founding Fathers used to say to each other and in the early part of our nation. But what they were able to do especially in Philadelphia in 1787 four months they argued about what a House should be what a Senate should be the power of the president the Congress the Supreme Court. And they had to deal with slavery.

I'm positive and I smile a lot and I'm kind of a banana but serious work just seems to find me so I'm not going to argue with it.

It has been argued that British girls are incapable of deep feeling or brilliant acting owing to their lack of temperament. This I am positive is not true.

Nature I have constantly argued in my work is the real superpower of this godless universe. It is the ultimate disposer of human fate randomly recarving geography over 10 000-year epochs.

Nature is by and large to be found out of doors a location where it cannot be argued there are never enough comfortable chairs.

Linguistic philosophers continue to argue that probably music is not a language that is in the philosophical debate. Another point of view is to say that music is a very profound language.

I hadn't made a big-budget film and in Hollywood there's a sort of man and boys situation. You're a man you make $80 million movies! As if it's harder to make an $80 million movie. Well I guess businesswise it is because you have more executives to argue with.

The best movies have one sentence that they're exploring a thesis something that people can argue about over dinner afterward.