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It's an incredible con job when you think about it to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don't try to make it posthumous.

Search For bearing In Quotes 25

Childbearing is glorified in part because women die from it.

The war is coming to the streets of America and if you are not keeping and bearing and practicing with your arms then you will be helpless and you will be the victim of evil.

Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of an individual corporation or product.

Weight-bearing exercise builds bone density builds your muscular strength so that you can hold your body up where those bones have a tendency to get weak.

The latest horror to hit the U.S. looks to have been caused by people of Middle Eastern origin bearing Muslim names. Again shame. This fuels more hatred for a religion and a people who have nothing to do with these events.

There are three modes of bearing the ills of life by indifference by philosophy and by religion.

I was given baby doll toys myself and they proved a stark reminder that my life was expected to revolve around childbearing - just as my mom's had before me and her mom's had before her.

It has been suggested at various times that I should start an operation in the United Kingdom but - bearing in mind my age and medical history - I think this would be not a very sensible way to go forward.

Why in almost all societies have married women specialized in bearing and rearing children and in certain agricultural activities whereas married men have done most of the fighting and market work?

Behind the man is the Tree of Life bearing twelve fruits and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is behind the woman the serpent is twining round it.

What makes the pain we feel from shame and jealousy so cutting is that vanity can give us no assistance in bearing them.

The higher the general average of intelligence all things else being equal the less the disposition to be meddlesome critical and overbearing.

A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it bearing within him the image of a cathedral.

The quality of light by which we scrutinize our lives has direct bearing upon the product which we live and upon the changes which we hope to bring about through those lives.

I think Ronald Reagan was one of the great presidents period not just recently. I thought he had the demeanor. I thought he had the bearing. I thought he had the thought process.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

Under this president we have a government that has grown too big too costly and now even more overbearing by forcing religious entities to abandon their beliefs.

I come bearing an olive branch in one hand and the freedom fighter's gun in the other. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.

The practice of patience toward one another the overlooking of one another's defects and the bearing of one another's burdens is the most elementary condition of all human and social activity in the family in the professions and in society.

The deepest experience of the creator is feminine for it is experience of receiving and bearing.

I'm sure everything has a bearing on what I'm doing. My family is a lower-middle-class family there's lots of children seven brothers two sisters grew up together fighting with each other went to school. My mother went to school up to 4th grade. My father went to school up to 8th grade. So that's about the education level we had in the family.

Through the harsh design of fate Florida was dealt the unfortunate circumstances of bearing the brunt of not one but two hurricanes and it appears more dark clouds are poised to visit the Sunshine State.

People talk about the courage of condemned men walking to the place of execution: sometimes it needs as much courage to walk with any kind of bearing towards another person's habitual misery.

It is finally a word is untimely in three different senses and bearing it as one's treasure will not win one anyone's favours one rather risks finding oneself outside everyone's camp... Beauty is the word that shall be our first.