Search For bears In Quotes 26

Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness.

The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.

There does not exist a category of science to which one can give the name applied science. There are science and the applications of science bound together as the fruit of the tree which bears it.

Classic art was the art of necessity: modern romantic art bears the stamp of caprice and chance.

Politics I supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.

It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.

Each word bears its weight so you have to read my poems quite slowly.

Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to while we long to make music that will melt the stars.

One of my favorite people is Gypsy Rose Lee. She bears out the Biblical promise that he who has gets. And I hope she gets a lot more.

Bulls don't read. Bears read financial history. As markets fall to bits the bears dust off the Dutch tulip mania of 1637 the Banque Royale of 1719-20 the railway speculation of the 1840s the great crash of 1929.

Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.

Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness not through insensibility but through greatness of mind.

We ought to do good to others as simply as a horse runs or a bee makes honey or a vine bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne.

God bears with the wicked but not forever.

Back in the '70s like one of my favorite movies ever was 'The Bad News Bears' and that was a kids' movie but I don't think of it that way. I think of it as just a great movie because Walter Matthau was so funny and so harsh with those kids.

There have been nine Super Bowls in New Orleans and not all of them have brought the best of luck to NFL Films. We got robbed twice there got food poisoning and my hotel room was broken into on the day the Bears played the Patriots in January 1986.

Just as the soul fills the body so God fills the world. Just as the soul bears the body so God endures the world. Just as the soul sees but is not seen so God sees but is not seen. Just as the soul feeds the body so God gives food to the world.

Of the primary emotions fear is the one that bears most directly on survival. Children show fear. Adults try not to maybe because it's shameful or in some circumstances dangerous. The fear response is automatic though and your body runs through its reflexes whether you want it to or not.

From faith hope and love the virtues of religion referring to God there arises a double act which bears on the spiritual communion exercised between God and us the hearing of the word and prayer.

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations yes but above all with blazing serene hope.

The only book by a modern president that bears serious comparison with Obama's 'Dreams From My Father' is Jimmy Carter's short campaign autobiography 'Why Not the Best? ' published in 1975.

I grew up in Chicago so I've always been a Bears fan. Dad used to take me to Bears games and Cubs games. My brother used to ride me over to Lake Forest College on his Honda Supersport and we'd watch the Bears practice. I remember those guys out there as monsters - they were the biggest things I've ever seen!

Without courage wisdom bears no fruit.

Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.