Search For beliefs In Quotes 64

The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs.

Have convictions. Be friendly. Stick to your beliefs as they stick to theirs. Work as hard as they do.

The wisdom of God's Word is quite clear on believers being unequally yoked. And marrying someone who is not a Christian - who is not a daily disciple of Christ - is being unequally yoked regardless of what their beliefs might be.

God help us from those who believe that they are the sole possessors of truth. How we manage at times to agree willingly to become prisoners within our own minds and souls of beliefs and ideas on which we can never be flexible.

Truth lives in fact for the most part on a credit system. Our thoughts and beliefs pass so long as nothing challenges them just as bank-notes pass so long as nobody refuses them.

If the truth contradicts deeply held beliefs that is too bad.

We can trust our doctors to be professional to minister equally to their patients without regard to their political or religious beliefs. But we can no longer trust our professors to do the same.

I always say be humble but be firm. Humility and openness are the key to success without compromising your beliefs.

Religious beliefs evolved by group-selection tribe competing against tribe and the illogic of religions is not a weakness but their essential strength.

I understand why society especially American society is gravitating toward fairy tales given our economy. We've been exploring the world of witches and wizards for years. We've been exploring the world of vampires for years. Clearly the public - I mean I feel like all of this was ushered in by 'Harry Potter' - in my own fannish beliefs.

For me science is already fantastical enough. Unlocking the secrets of nature with fundamental physics or cosmology or astrobiology leads you into a wonderland compared with which beliefs in things like alien abductions pale into insignificance.

Besides the healthcare bill being unconstitutional and a great expansion of federal government I think if it does not respect people's individual religious views and makes groups or individuals do things that are contrary to their deeply held beliefs there is going to be a visceral negative reaction.

In fact the U.S. military has bent over backwards to respect the religious beliefs of some very dangerous fanatics who want to kill us.

Americans will respect your beliefs if you just keep them private.

The beliefs I was raised with - to respect animals and to be aware of nature to understand that we share this planet with other creatures - have had a huge impact on me.

In Lincoln's day a President's religion was a very private affair. There were no public prayer meetings no attempts to woo the Religious Right. Few of Lincoln's countrymen knew anything at all of his religious beliefs.

Anyone with sincere religious beliefs cannot say that all religions are true. That is so illogical it is pathetic. All religion cannot be true because some of them are so diametrically opposed to each other.

A lot of people have questioned how yoga and their own spiritual beliefs can come together. Yoga actually pre-dates religion.

Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but we thought if people needed a crutch for consolation where's the harm? September 11th changed all that.

Our institute's agenda is relatively simple. We study the relationship between social-economic change and culture. By culture we mean beliefs values and lifestyles. We cover a broad range of issues and we work very internationally.

The beliefs concerning reincarnation have great ethical impact on human life and our relationship to the world.

I don't feel particularly comfortable about actors using whatever power they may have to push their beliefs unless they're extremely well informed.

When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because you see humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously and accepting both of them.