Search For construction In Quotes 41

No men and women of the Irish race we shall not fight for England. We shall fight for the destruction of the British Empire and the construction of an Irish republic.

My youth passed at the time of the country's reconstruction from the ruins and ashes of the war in which my nation never bowed to the enemy paying the highest price in the struggle.

What makes the production of my work so expensive? The whole installation thing - the construction the objects the technology. It really adds up.

The road to success is always under construction.

I always had two or three jobs at the same time. I started doing yard work when I was 7 or 8. When I was 13 I got my first state job doing road construction. Between working sports and school I hardly ever had free time.

I would venture to guess that if I was a construction worker... who requested a transfer to another department for the betterment of his family I would be commended for it. But because it's sports there's just so much passion added to it.

The further a mathematical theory is developed the more harmoniously and uniformly does its construction proceed and unsuspected relations are disclosed between hitherto separated branches of the science.

I'm writing a review of three books on feminism and science and it's about social constructionism. So I would say I'm a social constructionist whatever that means.

The close relationship between railroad expansion and the genera development and prosperity of the country is nowhere brought more distinctly into relief than in connection with the construction of the Pacific railroads.

You wish to put a positive construction on your deeds and words.

To protect people's lives and keep our children safe we must implement public-works spending and do so proudly. If possible I'd like to see the Bank of Japan purchase all of the construction bonds that we need to issue to cover the cost. That would also forcefully circulate money in the market. That would be positive for the economy too.

When we are sick we want an uncommon doctor when we have a construction job to do we want an uncommon engineer and when we are at war we want an uncommon general. It is only when we get into politics that we are satisfied with the common man.

I am an enthusiast but not a crank in the sense that I have some pet theories as to the proper construction of a flying machine. I wish to avail myself of all that is already known and then if possible add my mite to help on the future worker who will attain final success.

I think it's good that I had some experience of the real world before I became successful. You know having to get up in the morning and going to work in construction.

Most men love money and security more and creation and construction less as they get older.

Currently I am overseeing the construction of the new Trump Tower in Chicago. I am involved in meeting with the construction crews architects and sales teams. I am learning a lot and working with some of the best in the business.

A people's literature is the great textbook for real knowledge of them. The writings of the day show the quality of the people as no historical reconstruction can.

This means that no single logic is strong enough to support the total construction of human knowledge.

I do not want to go into its physical reasons: the construction of the human body is different from that of carnivorous animals. But man's intelligence is such that it can be utilised to defend any-thing he does whether right or wrong.

I like something where I can really use my imagination and be an active participant in the construction of the monster and usually that's in the world of the supernatural or the world of the fantastic so that's why those kinds of stories about demons and the supernatural appeal to me or maybe I'm really interested in that subject.

I'm Method trained. How is this character like me? What does she think of her mother? What does her mother think of her? It's like construction and then yes you hope you're talented and that the universe aligns and captures the kind of laborer's work you've done and whatever else sprinkles down on you and it's all caught on film or onstage.

In Afghanistan there is a plan to build democracy hundreds of thousands of troops are protecting it. There is a plan to rebuild and reconstruct there. But many thousands of Americans die from violence and poverty every year and we don't have a plan for reconstruction at home.

The construction of Europe is an art. It is the art of the possible.

A sincere and steadfast co-operation in promoting such a reconstruction of our political system as would provide for the permanent liberty and happiness of the United States.