Search For corporate In Quotes 65

Women are not making it to the top. A hundred and ninety heads of state nine are women. Of all the people in parliament in the world thirteen per cent are women. In the corporate sector women at the top - C-level jobs board seats - tops out at fifteen sixteen per cent.

I'm extremely blessed because I travel extensively for my work but I always try to incorporate a bit of leisure with business.

As both a local resident and a parent with a CF-afflicted child I'm thankful for companies like Canon Chase and Outback who believe that giving back to the community is critical to their role as corporate citizens.

We are taught to consume. And that's what we do. But if we realized that there really is no reason to consume that it's just a mind set that it's just an addiction then we wouldn't be out there stepping on people's hands climbing the corporate ladder of success.

Core strength and stability is very important to me. Tennis is all about rotation of the body and my ability to create power. I incorporate a lot of abdominal back and glute exercises into my gym sessions.

Corporate executives need to re-frame their responsibilities to include the interests of all the stakeholders in society at large not just shareholders but also employees the citizens of our communities and those who care about the environment.

Natural science will in time incorporate into itself the science of man just as the science of man will incorporate into itself natural science: there will be one science.

I just think Texas and that whole Bible Belt section is so like corporate. And I don't agree with organized religion in that respect.

Every president needs to deal with the permanent government of the country and the permanent government of the country is Wall Street oligarchs and corporate plutocrats and the questions becomes what is the relationship between that president and Wall Street.

The corporate woman has been defined as the 'liberated woman' and I see that as the exact opposite. I think she now is more enslaved maybe even more than the housewife was because she's so out of her power and imitating male power is not female power.

I am concerned about how to reverse the process by which a fundamentalist right and a corporate elite were able to seize power in the United States.

More than ever before consumers have the ability to unify their voices and coalesce their buying power to influence corporate behaviors.

If those in charge of our society - politicians corporate executives and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.

Financial institutions the corporate world and civil society - all must uphold high standards of probity in their working. Only a genuine partnership between the Government and its people can bring about positive change to create a just society.

I've done reasonably well over the last 10 years because I took the strategy of language and politics and applied it to the corporate world which has never been done before.

I see a lot of connections between folk and punk music just because they're both subcorporate music - I mean traditionally.

It's hard to incorporate dance into movies I think.

I could really use a corporate sponsor. People think that because you're in the movies you're rich. I have allocated all my resources to Shambala so the animals will always be safe.

The movies have got more corporate they're making fewer movies in general and those they are making are all $200-$300m tent-pole releases that eat up all the oxygen.

I call crony capitalism where you take money from successful small businesses spend it in Washington on favored industries on favored individuals picking winners and losers in the economy that's not pro-growth economics. That's not entrepreneurial economics. That's not helping small businesses. That's cronyism that's corporate welfare.

With our technology with objects literally three people in a garage can blow away what 200 people at Microsoft can do. Literally can blow it away. Corporate America has a need that is so huge and can save them so much money or make them so much money or cost them so much money if they miss it that they are going to fuel the object revolution.

Corporate governance is a huge issue too. We don't have women on these corporate boards. More than half of the students in law school are women more than half of the women I think in medical school now are women.

History has shown that one cannot legislate a culture of integrity. And yet one of the paramount responsibilities and challenges of corporate leadership is to ensure such a culture.