Search For decide In Quotes 285

I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father's life.

Yeah I started when I was 6 years old. My brother and sister would get all of these presents at Christmas time from the cast and crew of their show and I was jealous. So I decided that I had to become an actor.

In the spring of 1994 I decided not to seek reelection to the Senate. I had made the decision 12 years earlier Christmas Day of 1982 just after I had been first elected to a full term that I would do the best I could for a limited time.

I was a senior in high school when I decided I wanted to work on ants as a career. I just fell in love with them and have never regretted it.

Decide what you want decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.

I took every chance I could to meet with U.S. soldiers. I talked with them and read the books they gave me about the war. I decided I needed to return to my country and join with them - active duty soldiers and Vietnam Veterans in particular - to try and end the war.

We need to decide that we will not go to war whatever reason is conjured up by the politicians or the media because war in our time is always indiscriminate a war against innocents a war against children.

The war on drugs is wrong both tactically and morally. It assumes that people are too stupid too reckless and too irresponsible to decide whether and under what conditions to consume drugs. The war on drugs is morally bankrupt.

The executive has no right in any case to decide the question whether there is or is not cause for declaring war.

Truth should not be forced it should simply manifest itself like a woman who has in her privacy reflected and coolly decided to bestow herself upon a certain man.

Once to every person and nation come the moment to decide. In the conflict of truth with falsehood for the good or evil side.

It's much easier for me to make major life multi-million dollar decisions than it is to decide on a carpet for my front porch. That's the truth.

Before we decide to trust you with this power we ask you to stand before the public and explain your views. Justice may be blind but it should not be deaf.

My first ever job after college was as a flight attendant. I wanted to travel and could not afford it so I decided to get myself a job where I could travel. I did it for two years and had great fun.

Originally the dream was about traveling and developing a job that would permit me to travel. And I decided to go into street performing because it was a traveling job it would let me go around the world.

I had a big troupe a big army and it was a lot of fun. And after 10 years of that I just decided that I wanted to travel and do special dates. I go to Las Vegas these days.

Michael Palin decided to give up on his considerable comedy talents to make those dreadfully tedious travel shows. Have you ever tried to watch one?

This little kid pointed at me and said 'You look disgusting!' That was the first time I thought maybe I did. I decided I'd better start eating. I'm just thankful that I made it through with relatively few scars.

I decided that if I were to write a teen series I'd want to set it in a place that was familiar to me - Manhattan where I'd grown up - and I'd model the characters on myself and my friends.

In 1948 I entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology undecided between studies of chemistry and physics but my first year convinced me that physics was more interesting to me.

I am in the process of trying to decide whether I can make a substantive and productive contribution to the policy-making process. I was always there because I wanted to work on the pressing issues of the day - I'm interested in energy I'm interested in the climate bill and technology policy.

Society will decide after the technology is created what we will and won't accept.

I had two passions growing up - one was music one was technology. I tried to play in a band for a while but I was never talented enough to make it. And I started companies. One day came along and I decided to combine the two - and there was Spotify.

My first job after college was at Magic Quest an educational software startup company where I was responsible for writing the content. I found that job somewhat accidentally but after working there a few weeks and loving my job I decided to pursue a career in technology.