Search For directors In Quotes 63

I've worked with many directors good ones and bad ones. So if I have a chance to work the good ones I better put myself in their hands and trust them because that's my big opportunity to be different and to be better than usual.

I wanted to trust in my partners and the directors and producers and do the best I can to deliver what I could deliver.

Some directors cast you because they trust you to do the performance - but then they forget to direct you.

A lot of film directors are quite scared of actors. They are a bit of a nightmare sometimes but I like them. It looks like cunning but you try to get extra things from them all the time by stealth by making them feel confident so they trust you and you can push a bit.

Every time I make American film I just trust American directors and American writers.

Now therefore the Directors of the company are hereby ordered to see that precautions are taken to make travel on said railroad perfectly safe by using a screw with at least twenty-four inches diameter.

It's sad - it's sad for us old enough to remember when directors ruled and films were substantially better than they are today. But it's hard to argue with those kinds of grosses.

I have great respect for directors who know what they're doing.

I've discovered just how symbiotic the relationship is between writers directors and actors. They ask the same questions and strip down texts in exactly the same way.

I'm on the board of directors for Peace Now which works tirelessly between the Palestinians and the Israelis to create peace in the Middle East and we've never been closer.

My sense is I think it's okay for directors to do movies that speak to other work in their career.

I like to think of myself as a fairly educated human being but I'm a very uneducated actor when it comes to movies directors producers actors for that matter.

Of course for many years directors have had to go on the road with their movies and promote them and I've done that since the beginning. So that's not new but the forms of it are different such as with the internet.

I want to work with great directors. I want to work on good material with good actors. I've probably done 20 movies at this point and a lot of independents. It's been an incredible ride and I love it and I'm just going to keep going and doing what I'm doing.

So yes there's nothing I love more than listening to directors talk about their movies.

I don't always see my movies right away. And there are some I haven't seen at all. Sometimes that bothers the directors so I'm obliged to see them.

Yeah I mean the material directors the other cast and if you think you can do something with the character then you do it and go from there. I am looking forward to doing some smaller movies.

Over the years with movies I've given directors notes.

There certainly is no secret in that there are plenty of people who don't like plenty of my movies. Each one of my films is personal each one of my films is emotionally autobiographical. And I like directors who do that. With each one of my films I'm exploring one of my own issues and I try to expose myself a little in the film.

I've been offered lots of movies. There's always some actor who's doing a project and would like to have me do it. But you look at the project and think 'Gee there are a lot of good directors who could do that.' I'd like to do something only I can do.

I don't want to criticize any other designers but I have to say that many of the people involved in this industry - directors and producers - are trying to make their games more like movies. They are longing to make movies rather than making videogames.

I never want to make a film. I don't wake up in the morning going 'Ooh I'd really love to be on set making a film today'. I'm aware that other contemporary film directors perceive film-making as what they do as what they have to do. But I would hope that I am more catholic in my tastes.

I admire directors so much I find them incredible: they manage such a huge number of people of different characters think of the money involved.

I have many valentines. My mom and my sister and my directors. I got calls from all of them. And my friends. I respect what Valentine's Day stands for because it is about love.