Search For discrimination In Quotes 31

The historical basis for the gap between the black middle class and underclass shows that ending discrimination by itself would not eradicate black poverty and dysfunction. We also need intervention to promulgate a middle-class ethic of success among the poor while expanding opportunities for economic betterment.

I don't think there's anything that is a greater area of discrimination against women today than the fact that nowhere in the world is there a female role model in team sports that more than half of a general audience would recognize.

We live in a world where sports have the potential to bridge the gap between racism sexism and discrimination. The 2012 Olympic Games was a great start but hopefully what these games taught us is that if women are given an opportunity on an equal playing field the possibilities for women are endless.

Amateurism is the strongest form of discrimination in sports. Because it discriminates against the underprivileged it discriminates against the poor. If we want sports to go back to the wealthy let's make it amateur again.

I for one would think both about how far we have come as a country and how much further we need to go to erase racism and discrimination from our society.

A free society will abide unofficial private discrimination even when that means allowing hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin.

I believe discrimination still exists in society and we must fight it in every form.

Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them.

I have the utmost respect and 'aloha' for black people - who have already suffered so much due to racial discrimination and acts of hatred.

For as long as the power of America's diversity is diminished by acts of discrimination and violence against people just because they are black Hispanic Asian Jewish Muslim or gay we still must overcome.

It's a great mistake I think to put children off with falsehoods and nonsense when their growing powers of observation and discrimination excite in them a desire to know about things.

Daley may not feel a moral responsibility to eliminate discrimination but he has a legal obligation to do so.

Mrs. Parks' act of brave defiance rocked the foundation of American society and inspired generations of civil rights leaders and created a sense of hope for every American facing legal discrimination in this country.

It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home.

It is time to end the discrimination against people who need treatment for chemical addiction. It is time for Congress to deal with our Nation's number one public health problem.

That's part of American greatness is discrimination. Yes sir. Inequality I think breeds freedom and gives a man opportunity.

The Middle East is ailing. The malady stems from pervasive violence shortages of food water and educational opportunities discrimination against women and - the most virulent cause of all - the absence of freedom.

The civil rights movement was based on faith. Many of us who were participants in this movement saw our involvement as an extension of our faith. We saw ourselves doing the work of the Almighty. Segregation and racial discrimination were not in keeping with our faith so we had to do something.

The failure of women to have reached positions of leadership has been due in large part to social and professional discrimination.

At a time when efforts are being made to eradicate discrimination between the sexes in the search for social equality and justice the differences between the sexes are being rediscovered.

In Canada women's rights are a vital part of our effort to build a society of real equality - not just for some but for all Canadians. A society in which women no longer encounter discrimination nor are shut out from opportunities open to others.

Racism cannot be cured solely by attacking some of the results it produces like discrimination in housing or in education.

Education is important because first of all people need to know that discrimination still exists. It is still real in the workplace and we should not take that for granted.

Because of the lack of education on AIDS discrimination fear panic and lies surrounded me.