Search For fields In Quotes 36

Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America - not on the battlefields of Vietnam.

We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be we shall fight on the beaches we shall fight on the landing grounds we shall fight in the fields and in the streets we shall fight in the hills we shall never surrender.

Where does discontent start? You are warm enough but you shiver. You are fed yet hunger gnaws you. You have been loved but your yearning wanders in new fields. And to prod all these there's time the Bastard Time.

But while doing that I'd been following a variety of fields in science and technology including the work in molecular biology genetic engineering and so forth.

Without husbands women have to focus on earning more. They work longer hours they're willing to relocate and they're more likely to choose higher-paying fields like technology.

The strength that I have comes from irrigating the citrus plantation ploughing in the vineyard guarding the melon fields at night. I believe that's what gave me the strength.

My strength never came from political echelons it came from the family. And from the fields and the lands and the flowers and everything I see there. My strength came from there.

The biggest lesson from Africa was that life's joys come mostly from relationships and friendships not from material things. I saw time and again how much fun Africans had with their families and friends and on the sports fields they laughed all the time.

We know evolution happened because innumerable bits of data from myriad fields of science conjoin to paint a rich portrait of life's pilgrimage.

Math and science fields are not the only areas where we see the United States lagging behind. Less than 1 percent of American high school students study the critical foreign languages of Arabic Chinese Japanese Korean or Russian combined.

Research is of considerable importance in certain fields such as science and history.

In Israel a land lacking in natural resources we learned to appreciate our greatest national advantage: our minds. Through creativity and innovation we transformed barren deserts into flourishing fields and pioneered new frontiers in science and technology.

Through the years I have received my share of recognition for efforts in the fields of sports the arts the struggle for full citizenship for the Negro people labor's rights and the fight for peace.

Therefore I feel that the aforementioned guiding principle must be modified to read: If you desire peace cultivate justice but at the same time cultivate the fields to produce more bread otherwise there will be no peace.

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand rejoice for your soul is alive.

Earth and sky woods and fields lakes and rivers the mountain and the sea are excellent schoolmasters and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

I'm obsessed with the countryside: woods forests fields lakes mountains. I'm really into folk music and folklore. But more so I'm into electronic music. I'm into bands that have both aspects like Boards of Canada is a perfect example. You could listen to that type of music running through a woods. It's kind of what I wanted to achieve.

Rock n' Roll came from the slaves singing gospel in the fields. Their lives were hell and they used music to lift out of it to take them away. That's what rock n' roll should do - take you to a better place.

The greatest job I ever had was working on my family farm. Each morning my father would come into my bedroom around 4:30 am and command me to get up and work the fields. I would spend the next two hours before school slopping pigs and cropping tobacco.

Because I am not formally trained in the medical sciences I can bring in new ideas to AIDS research and the cross-fertilization of ideas from different fields could be a valuable contribution to finding the cure for AIDS.

Come live with me and be my love And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys groves hills and fields Woods or steepy mountain yields.

The introduction of many minds into many fields of learning along a broad spectrum keeps alive questions about the accessibility if not the unity of knowledge.

The frontiers of knowledge in the various fields of our subject are expanding at such a rate that work as hard as one can one finds oneself further and further away from an understanding of the whole.

The world's battlefields have been in the heart chiefly more heroism has been displayed in the household and the closet than on the most memorable battlefields in history.