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I thought my life was mapped out. Research living in the forest teaching and writing. But in '86 I went to a conference and realised the chimpanzees were disappearing. I had worldwide recognition and a gift of communication. I had to use them.

Search For flash In Quotes 28

Brits and Americans have hundreds of different phrases for the same thing. Luckily it's usually a source of amusement rather than frustration. A flashlight by any other name is still a torch. My personal favourite is 'fairy lights ' which we boringly refer to as 'Christmas lights.'

Genius unrefined resembles a flash of lightning but wisdom is like the sun.

I currently use Ubuntu Linux on a standalone laptop - it has no Internet connection. I occasionally carry flash memory drives between this machine and the Macs that I use for network surfing and graphics but I trust my family jewels only to Linux.

Every time somebody tries to go in and reinvent what we do it always ends up being more about technology and sets and flash and dash forgetting the main thing which is interesting people saying interesting important things.

At Casablanca we did 'Midnight Express ' 'Flashdance ' and 'The Deep.' My willingness for risk has always been my strength.

We're in a period where society seems very attracted to flash and that seeps into people's musical taste.

If I went to them all dressed up and flashed a nice smile for the cameras it would probably be easier for me to get work. But I just can't tolerate it.

To feel most beautifully alive means to be reading something beautiful ready always to apprehend in the flow of language the sudden flash of poetry.

We're a bit flashy but the music's not one big noise.

True love comes quietly without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells get your ears checked.

You don't have to be singing about love all the time in order to give love to the people. You don't have to keep flashing those words all the time.

Human life is as evanescent as the morning dew or a flash of lightning.

Wit is the appearance the external flash of imagination. Thus its divinity and the witty character of mysticism.

My dear sister I hope when God Almighty in his righteous providence shall take me out of time into eternity that it will be by a flash of lightning.

Here's a news flash: No soldier gives his life. That's not the way it works. Most soldiers who make a conscious decision to place themselves in harm's way do it to protect their buddies. They do it because of the bonds of friendship - and it goes so much deeper than friendship.

I don't enjoy good food. I don't enjoy flashy cars. I don't care if I live in a dump. I don't enjoy good clothes. This is the best I've dressed in months.

To the artist is sometimes granted a sudden transient insight which serves in this matter for experience. A flash and where previously the brain held a dead fact the soul grasps a living truth! At moments we are all artists.

My mind withdrew its thoughts from experience extracting itself from the contradictory throng of sensuous images that it might find out what that light was wherein it was bathed... And thus with the flash of one hurried glance it attained to the vision of That Which Is.

No movie influenced me more to go after my dreams than 'Flashdance.' After seeing it I took 15 dance lessons a week. I cut all my sweatshirts. I did the 'Maniac' thing.

I think a lot of times people design restaurants with flash in mind. I think you should design restaurants with function in mind. Make sure it's functional and works with what you're trying to accomplish. Design can come later.

Death comes in a flash and that's the truth of it the person's gone in less than 24 frames of film.

Playing well with others is important - not being too flashy just keeping good time and of course coming up with cool beats. A good snare drum kick drum high hat. Just getting good at the hand feet coordination.

I don't want a flashy car just something that would allow me to stop using the Tube. And it would be good not to have to rely on my mum all the time particularly when I have to listen to her singing in her car.

Ikea people do not drive flashy cars or stay at luxury hotels.