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As a kid I was short and only weighed 95 pounds. And though I was active in a lot of Sports and got along with most of the guys I think I used comedy as a defense mechanism. You know making someone laugh is a much better way to solve a problem than by using your fists.

Search For forward In Quotes 229

It always depresses me when people moan about how commercial Christmas is. I love everything about it. The tradition of having this great big feast slap bang in the middle of winter is an essential thing to look forward to at the end of the year.

Sometimes I feel an obligation to be accessible as a personality but for me the driving force since the beginning has always been good work taking risks trying new things. If the door opens go through it. Always go forwards.

I support women men anybody who is in a place that's not their strongest and who is ready to push forward.

As an instrument for practical action law is responsive to the wisdom of its time which may be wrong but it carries forward sometimes in opposition to this wisdom or passion a memory of received values.

When an opponent comes forward move in and greet him if he wants to pull back send him on his way.

That is what war is and dancing it is forward and back when one is out walking one wants not to go back the way they came but in dancing and in war it is forward and back.

I put forward formless and unresolved notions as do those who publish doubtful questions to debate in the schools not to establish the truth but to seek it.

If Romney explains why where we are with Obama is unacceptable why whither we are tending is even worse - and why his own alternative path forward is superior - then we trust the American people to make the right choice in November.

If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and 'with malice toward none and charity for all' go forward on the great adventure of making political economic and social democracy a practical reality we shall not fail.

And obviously as a as one who likes to travel around myself a lot I think the Earth is a beautiful place. And I'm looking forward to some new perspectives.

Songs really are like a form of time travel because they really have moved forward in a bubble. Everyone who's connected with it the studio's gone the musicians are gone and the only thing that's left is this recording which was only about a three-minute period maybe 70 years ago.

Don't forget it's daylight savings time. You spring forward then you fall back. It's like Robert Downey Jr. getting out of bed.

Here or henceforward it is all the same to me I accept Time absolutely.

We always live in an uncertain world. What is certain is that the United States will go forward over time.

I'm really looking forward to the Hall of Fame ceremonies. It's going to be unbelievable - just crazy. I'm looking forward to thanking all the fans for inspiring me to go out there and play my best football each and every game.

We know that when it comes to technology and the economy if you're not constantly moving forward then - without a doubt - you're moving backwards.

Which is - you know like check it out I'm pretty young I'm only about 40 years old. I still have maybe another four decades of work left in me. And it's exceedingly likely that anything I write from this point forward is going to be judged by the world as the work that came after the freakish success of my last book right?

One fails forward toward success.

People fall forward to success.

It's very easy for me to say what success is. I think success is connecting with an audience who understands you and having a dialogue with them. I think success is continuing to push yourself forward creatively and not sort of becoming a caricature of yourself.

Forward as occasion offers. Never look round to see whether any shall note it... Be satisfied with success in even the smallest matter and think that even such a result is no trifle.

We fall forward to succeed.

If everyone is moving forward together then success takes care of itself.

America is moving forward and gaining strength. We have been tested and we have proven ourselves to be a tough resilient and resourceful nation.