Search For immense In Quotes 33

Certainly the advent of technology and electronic commerce has had an immense impact on the real estate industry.

I have always been an outstanding football player I have always had uncanny abilities great arm strength an immense ability to play the game from a quarterback standpoint. The problem was that I wasn't given the liberty to do certain things when I was young.

That Germany was so immensely strong and Austria so dependent upon German strength that the word and will of Germany would at the critical moment be decisive with Austria.

My opinion my conviction gains immensely in strength and sureness the minute a second mind as adopted it.

Some have called we rock and roll performers who never retire 'troubadours.' I enjoy this misnomer immensely. While there are many differences between me and my distant predecessors in L'Occitane I do believe there is a lineage that connects us of the last 70 years with those romantic singers of the High Middle Ages.

There's immense fun to be had as long as you can sort of sneak it past DC. I have been told on occasion that I need to have more respect for these characters.

The success my children have had has helped me immensely. I've showed them a certain respect for this career.

I used to get nervous you know if my parents would come watch. And then I would get nervous if my friends came and watched. Today it's not a problem anymore actually because now I enjoy it. I see that they you know respect me immensely and I try to put on a good show and show that I can still play very good tennis.

Well I had an immense respect for Cirque du Soleil when I first say them in the '80s on a television show and just thought you know this group is really reinventing the circus as you know. Because there wasn't three rings. There were no animals.

You couldn't pay me enough to be a law enforcement officer. Their job is a tough job. You have to solve people's problems you have to baby-sit people you have to always be doing this cat-and-mouse game with the bad guys. My respect for them is immense.

Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control affairs.

We have peace with Israel. We're actually the last man standing. So there is going to be immense pressure and people asking 'Why are we having this relationship when it's not benefiting anybody?' Obviously my answer is you always benefit from peace.

The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert where man is never lonely for he feels life stirring on all sides.

I've done performances in movies that I was immensely proud of and the movies didn't take off like a rocket at Cape Canaveral it didn't take off.

Redefining marriage will have huge implications for what is taught in our schools and for wider society. It will redefine society since the institution of marriage is one of the fundamental building blocks of society. The repercussions of enacting same-sex marriage into law will be immense.

The experience of learning how to get straight to the core of a problem proved to be of immense value later when I had a long succession of responsibilities in large complex government departments.

A paradigm shift where in addition to physical inputs for farming a focused emphasis placed on knowledge inputs can be a promising way forward. This knowledge-based approach will bring immense returns particularly in rain fed and dry land farming areas.

Bobby Fischer has an enormous knowledge of chess and his familiarity with the chess literature of the USSR is immense.

A great many things which in times of lesser knowledge we imagined to be superstitious or useless prove today on examination to have been of immense value to mankind.

History does nothing it does not possess immense riches it does not fight battles. It is men real living who do all this.

Getting married for me was the best thing I ever did. I was suddenly beset with an immense sense of release that we have something more important than our separate selves and that is the marriage. There's immense happiness that can come from working towards that.

Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale.

The idea of winning a doctor's degree gradually assumed the aspect of a great moral struggle and the moral fight possessed immense attraction for me.

Healthy children are born from healthy respected well-nourished and educated mothers and it is imperative that they have a voice in the decisions which affect them. If you empower a mother and let her have her say towards a poverty-free future the positive impact this would have on ending hunger will be immense.