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I don't like being compared to anyone or being in a class with someone. I'm a teen actress and therefore I'm competing against Hilary Duff. We're different people like everyone else.

Search For interests In Quotes 123

Foreign aid is neither a failure nor a panacea. It is instead an important tool of American policy that can serve the interests of the United States and the world if wisely administered.

As long as the G.O.P. led by its increasingly visible women continues to insist that the problem is not their policies but women's failure to understand their own lives and interests the gender gap won't go away.

It will appear evident upon attentive consideration that equality of intellectual and physical advantages is the only sure foundation of liberty and that such equality may best and perhaps only be obtained by a union of interests and cooperation in labor.

From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own.

Environmental policy must strike a balance between the earth's best interests and our citizen's pressing needs.

Moreover the practical recommendations deduced from ecological principles threaten the vested interests of commerce it is hardly surprising that the financial and political power created by these investments should be used sometimes to suppress environmental impact studies.

America is not just a democracy it represents a certain culture of competitive mobility and personality aspirations politics is not merely a clash of interests but a clash of dreams.

Not only the priceless heritage of our fathers of our seamen of our Empire builders is being thrown away in a war that serves no British interests - but our alliance leader Stalin dreams of nothing but the destruction of that heritage of our fathers?

In giving us children God places us in a position of both leadership and service. He calls us to give up our lives for someone else's sake - to abandon our own desires and put our child's interests first. Yet according to His perfect design it is through this selflessness that we can become truly fulfilled.

I'm into being a dad that's where my focus is most of the time. I'm an actor that's my job but it's not my life. I have a lot of other interests too.

My dad takes care of me as a manager and as a dad. That's his job you know to take care of me. He has my best interests at heart.

I've decided to run for the U.S. Senate because I believe Wisconsin families need a senator who will work hard to deliver results for the middle class - a leader with the courage to do what's right no matter how tough the odds or how powerful the special interests we have to fight.

Because with courage and conviction I believe we can deliver a more flexible adaptable and open European Union in which the interests and ambitions of all its members can be met.

It's a libel to say that I use my newspapers to support my other business interests. The fact is I haven't got any other business interests.

Do business managers have a commitment to anything more than the success of their company and to making money? It would be hard to say that they do. Indeed many business leaders deny that there is any conflict between self-interest and the interests of all.

Treaties agreements and organizations to help settle disputes may be necessary but they often favor the interests of business over citizens.

I never ask a man what his business is for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams.

What men have called friendship is only a social arrangement a mutual adjustment of interests an interchange of services given and received it is in sum simply a business from which those involved propose to derive a steady profit for their own self-love.

There is no doubt that America remains the premier political economic military power in the world and I both expect and count on it remaining so because I think that's certainly in our best interest but also the best interests of the world.

I don't know why it's the same reason why you like some music and you don't like others. There's something about it that you like. Ultimately I don't find it's in my best interests to try and analyze it since it's fundamentally emotional.

To be successful in real estate you must always and consistently put your clients' best interests first. When you do your personal needs will be realized beyond your greatest expectations.

We had common interests in the beauty of the French language. We both had a tremendous love of jazz. We shared dreams of getting married and having a family living in the country leading an idyllic life.

Now I'm not saying I'm fashionable but there are sociological interests that matter to me things that are theoretical political intellectual and also concerned with vanity and beauty that we all think about but that I try to mix up and translate into fashion.

Beauty is the disinterested one without which the ancient world refused to understand itself a word which both imperceptibly and yet unmistakably has bid farewell to our new world a world of interests leaving it to its own avarice and sadness.