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Land: A part of the earth's surface considered as property. The theory that land is property subject to private ownership and control is the foundation of modern society and is eminently worthy of the superstructure.

Search For junior In Quotes 32

I got into acting my junior year of high school. We got a new hot drama teacher and I was like 'Alright I'll try drama.'

Following my junior year in high school I went on a camping trip through Russia in a group led by Horst Momber a young language teacher from Roosevelt.

I had a classic gym teacher in junior high who wore a weightlifter's belt all the time.

My name is James Edward Franco. Ted is a nickname for Edward. That's what my parents called me. I also got 'Teddy Ruxpin' a lot. It just got to a point where I got sick of it so when a teacher called out 'James Franco' my junior year of high school I didn't correct her.

My art teacher in junior high was a very out gay man and a mentor to me.

My art teacher in junior high was a very out gay man and a mentor to me. He would tell us about Greenwich Village and show us the 'Village Voice' and describe his life but it was all sort of subversive and below the radar.

When I was in junior high school the teachers voted me the student most likely to end up in the electric chair.

I came from Long Island so I had a lot of experience at the stick. I played in junior high school then I played in high school. The technical aspect of the game was my forte. I had all that experience then I had strength and I was in good condition.

When my TV show 'Sports Jobs with Junior Seau ' assigned me to be a 'Sports Illustrated' reporter for a weekend I didn't realize I'd have to squeeze it in around another sports job. I had planned to retire from the NFL to enjoy the cushy lifestyle of a full-time reality TV star but I wound up getting run over by a bull.

When I was in elementary school we weren't allowed to do sports other than cheerleading. By junior high they let us play but we had to come back after 6:30 p.m. to practice because there was only one gymnasium and the boys used it first.

In junior high school I was an object of pure ridicule for my dress withdrawal and asocial manner. Dozens of times I saw individuals laugh and smile more in ten to fifteen minutes than I did in all my life up to then.

I think Junior is certainly a science fiction premise as is Twins as is Dave beyond Ghostbusters.

I have the most profound respect for the Department of Justice and the FTC. We in Europe are a younger and I would say junior institution to the historical antitrust experience of the US.

When I first started working in politics as a junior aide on Walter Mondale's 1984 presidential campaign it never occurred to me that I would one day work in the White House. There were plenty of women among the volunteers who stuffed envelopes and walked precincts. But there were fewer and fewer on each successive level of influence and access.

Music never dies. Do we really need another Madonna tour? Does she have to compete with women performers 25 years her junior?

I'm talking like 10 12 years old. Either junior brings Mom and Pop or Mom and Pop bring the kids. I'm talking young here not a college drinking crowd.

When I got into junior high school that's when my mom let me dress how I wanted to dress. Up to that point I wore suits to school all the time.

My mom and I have always been really close. She's always been the friend that was always there. There were times when in middle school and junior high I didn't have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always.

Just about this time when in imagination I was so great a warrior I had good use in real life for more strength as I was no longer taken to school by the nurse but instead had myself to protect my brother two years my junior.

In school I was pretty quiet. Kinda shy until my junior year. But at home I was a freak.

Most of the time I liked school and got good grades. In junior high though I hit a stumbling block with math - I used to come home and cry because of how frustrated I was! But after a few good teachers and a lot of perseverance I ended up loving math and even choosing it as a major when I got to college.

In high school a teacher once suggested that I be a math major in college. I thought 'Me? You've got to be joking!' I mean in junior high I used to come home and cry because I was so afraid of my math homework. Seriously I was terrified of math.

What was really funny is that as I got older all those guys who called me a sissy in junior high school wanted me to be their best friend because they wanted to meet all the girls that I knew in figure skating.

What's funny is that the idea of popularity - even the use of the word 'popular' - is something that had been mostly absent from my life since junior high. In fact the hallmark of life after junior high seemed to be the shedding of popularity as a central concern.