Search For machines In Quotes 42

Women are nothing but machines for producing children.

The thing that we possess that machines don't is the ability to exhibit wisdom.

Thompson and Ritchie were among the first to realize that hardware and compiler technology had become good enough that an entire operating system could be written in C and by 1978 the whole environment had been successfully ported to several machines of different types.

When ATM machines came out and people were prosecuted for robbing ATM machines I don't think anybody thought the banks were against technology because they didn't want their ATM machines lifted.

Protein engineering is a technology of molecular machines - of molecular machines that are part of replicators - and so it comes from an area that already raises some of the issues that nanotechnology will raise.

As part of our layered approach we have expedited the deployment of new Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) units to help detect concealed metallic and non-metallic threats on passengers. These machines are now in use at airports nationwide and the vast majority of travelers say they prefer this technology to alternative screening measures.

Technology has a shadow side. It accounts for real progress in medicine but has also hurt it in many ways making it more impersonal expensive and dangerous. The false belief that a safety net of sophisticated drugs and machines stretches below us permitting risky or lazy lifestyle choices has undermined our spirit of self-reliance.

I love the idea of anthropomorphizing machines. I love the idea of taking technology and giving it a personality.

I'd like people to be educated on the voting machines making sure that our democracy isn't being hijacked by computer technology. There's no reason there can't be a paper trail on those machines.

I'm very good with technology I always have been and with machines in general. They seem not threatening like other people find them but a source of fun and amusement.

It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.

The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.

Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life contemplation meditation.

Traditional academic science describes human beings as highly developed animals and biological thinking machines. We appear to be Newtonian objects made of atoms molecules cells tissues and organs.

Before machines the only form of entertainment people really had was relationships.

Machines are worshipped because they are beautiful and valued because they confer power they are hated because they are hideous and loathed because they impose slavery.

Research is four things: brains with which to think eyes with which to see machines with which to measure and fourth money.

I hate this fast growing tendency to chain men to machines in big factories and deprive them of all joy in their efforts - the plan will lead to cheap men and cheap products.

We believe that if men have the talent to invent new machines that put men out of work they have the talent to put those men back to work.

In the US you even lose legal rights if you store your data in a company's machines instead of your own. The police need to present you with a search warrant to get your data from you but if they are stored in a company's server the police can get it without showing you anything.

I was 17 and just learning what high fidelity was what good sound was and learning the mechanics of tape machines. It was a real education going right from the consumer end to the record factory.

I have no idea how to get in touch with anyone anymore. Everyone it seems has a home phone a cell phone a regular e-mail account a Facebook account a Twitter account and a Web site. Some of them also have a Google Voice number. There are the sentimental few who still have fax machines.

It was one of those great miracles of history that they managed to smuggle an Enigma machines out to Britain just before they were invaded by the Nazis.

'Robopocalypse' explores the intertwined fates of regular people who face a future filled with murderous machines. It follows them as humanity foments the robot uprising fails to recognize the coming storm and then is rocked to the core by methodical crippling attacks.