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This is a work of fiction. All the characters in it human and otherwise are imaginary excepting only certain of the fairy folk whom it might be unwise to offend by casting doubts on their existence. Or lack thereof.

Search For noticed In Quotes 43

I noticed in the past a lot of guys who like strong women they really freak out if you're not strong 24/7. Or they complain about you being strong then the moment you're not strong they're like 'Oh no no no.'

We managed to put together a compilation that had some creativity to it. In the meantime I was listening to the free radio stations and I noticed that during their war coverage they were playing these songs born out of the Vietnam War that were all critical of the soldiers.

Have you ever noticed what golf spells backwards?

You know what I have noticed? And this is really sad. Flying first class is less scary than flying coach. They speak to you and they're so nice to you and they want to help you and they know you want a drink before the plane takes off. And they bring it to you without asking. If you're sitting in coach and hoping for a drink good luck.

It just so happens that the green religion is now taking over from the Christian religion. I don't think people have noticed that but it's got all the sort of terms that religions use... The greens use guilt. That just shows how religious greens are. You can't win people round by saying they are guilty for putting (carbon dioxide) in the air.

Something I've noticed as I get older is that I do think about the future more. It's all positive thinking.

I've noticed that my resolutions involve me not doing stuff that I wasn't going to do anyway so here's something more positive. I'm going to retrain as a Latin teacher in a provincial public school.

You can never get silence anywhere nowadays have you noticed?

I've said that playing the blues is like having to be black twice. Stevie Ray Vaughan missed on both counts but I never noticed.

In the last year my wife has noticed me struggling to get downstairs on a Sunday morning. I've two young children and football has been so good to me over the years I don't want to spoil it.

I was going to have cosmetic surgery until I noticed that the doctor's office was full of portraits by Picasso.

It wasn't until after private lessons and learning bass lines that I even noticed bass in the music I was listening to at that age. My ears were blown wide open.

I noticed a lot of guitar players neglected the rhythm part of rhythm guitar and decided I would try to focus in that. As my skill and knowledge of the instrument grew I found lead started to come naturally. Sometimes I play guitar like a frustrated drummer. Ha ha!

I guess something that I've noticed from American acts who had success in touring is more of an explanation as to their music. Which is I think quite funny. I think British acts might like to leave more to the imagination - maybe a bit more obscure perhaps - a bit more shy.

I went to the store and bought lady fingers when I got home I noticed one of the fingers was missing so I went back to the store and the manager was nice enough to give me the finger.

About 15 years ago I went though a period of a year or so when I just couldn't find anything good. My wife noticed I was having trouble reading menus. I bought some cheap reading glasses in a drug store. I got home and suddenly all these books that weren't good were good.

I have noticed that nothing I never said ever did me any harm.

Most of the provisions designed to fix what ails our health system don't kick in until 2014 which one wishes administration officials had noticed is two years after he has to win an election.

A good basic selling idea involvement and relevancy of course are as important as ever but in the advertising din of today unless you make yourself noticed and believed you ain't got nothin'.

I've noticed a terrible thing which is I will agree to anything if it's far enough in the future.

I noticed that no matter where I went in the country there was this group of questions that got asked. I would track them and keep them in categories. Like body image school family friendship you name it the emotional life of a teenage girl.

In my travels I also noticed that kids in Thailand like spicy food and kids in India love curry. I'm hoping to introduce my son Hudson to lots of veggies and spices when he's young. I say that before he's started on solid foods so it could be easier in theory than practice!

Owners of dogs will have noticed that if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection they will think you are God. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that if you provide them with food and water and affection they draw the conclusion that they are God.

I've noticed a lot of younger artists have less fear of doing different sorts of things whether it's various types of music or gallery artists moving between video and sculpture and drawing.