Search For oscar In Quotes 25

As a general rule I don't plan to travel with my Oscars but we may have to make an exception.

After I won the Oscar my salary doubled my friends tripled my children became more popular at school my butcher made a pass at me and my maid hit me up for a raise.

And even Moonstruck - for some reason the audience were just in the mood for a very romantic film because it's one of the few romantic comedies to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.

Moonstruck... was one of the few romantic comedies to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.

I have a pet lizard named Puff five goldfish - named Pinky Brain Jowels Pearl and Sandy an oscar fish named Chef two pacus an albino African frog named Whitey a bonsai tree four Venus flytraps a fruit fly farm and sea monkeys.

When we talk about Oscars it's almost as a symbol of excellence and the American public and the worldwide public accept that symbol. So a movie like 'The Artist' that costs $14 million has to go out and compete with movies that cost $140 million. How does David deal with Goliath?

January is the garbage can of movies in America directly after all the Oscar contenders have been out.

For 'So Cold the River ' I'm actually working on adapting the book with Scott Silver who was just nominated for an Oscar for 'The Fighter ' and who also wrote '8 Mile ' which I think is a terrific screenplay. The chance to work with Scott is a tremendous pleasure and I'm learning a lot.

Even after such milestones as Kathryn Bigelow winning an Oscar there still seem to be few women in leadership roles.

I feel an obligation to set the record straight. Actors that say they're affected by something that it changes their life that they take it home with them they're just trying to get nominated for an Oscar!

I think Chris Rock at the Oscars was a great example. I thought that was intellectually hilarious. The Gap starts a war with Banana Republic... That to me was funny.

For exercise I now run with my chocolate Lab puppy Oscar.

I was probably more scared of my high school exams than I was of the Oscars. At the time you think it's everything and if you don't do well your life's over. Opportunities are gone. So the more you do it the less the fear is present.

The poster boy for our superabled future is Oscar Pistorius an increasingly famous South African sprinter who happens to have had both of his legs amputated below the knee. Using upside down question mark-shaped carbon fiber sprinting prosthetics called Cheetah blades Mr. Pistorius can challenge the fastest sprinters in the world.

Because I think in order to get famous you have to be known for something. Like 'You're the romantic comedy girl' or 'You're the Oscar-winning whatever girl.'

I don't go to premieres. I don't go to parties. I don't covet the Oscar. I don't want any of that. I don't go out. I just have dinner at home every night with my kids. Being famous that's a whole other career. And I haven't got any energy for it.

I have a great job writing for 'The Office ' but really all television writers do is dream of one day writing movies. I'll put it this way: At the Oscars the most famous person in the room is like Angelina Jolie. At the Emmys the huge exciting celebrity is Bethenny Frankel. You get what I mean.

I have had lots of friends who've been affected by Aids and a very good friend of mine Oscar Moore died of Aids and I was with him in his last year quite a bit. And of course he was a man living in a very rich culture with a wealthy family who was able to afford health care.

Most of an award-show host's job is showing up and keeping a cool head and soldiering through it whether it's the Oscars or the Hallmark Channel's 'Hero Dog Awards.'

It's like once you've seen Tom Hanks win the Golden Globes the Oscars you've seen his wife what kind of car he drives when you watch his movies you can't fully get really lost in them.

If Martin Scorsese calls I am available. And then there the ones well you can just run down the list - any of those Oscar-nominated films they have amazing directors across the board.

I guess winning an Oscar is the ultimate dream. A lot of amazing actors go their whole career without even being nominated. So that would definitely be a goal to reach. It's a difficult one but I'm aiming for it!

To go to the Oscars for 'Moneyball' - that was pretty amazing.

To go to the Oscars for Moneyball - that was pretty amazing. And to be able to go work with Kathryn Bigelow - that's going to be pretty sweet. Hopefully I don't have to go back to being a waiter. That's still my main goal.