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My family kinda hit the skids. We were experiencing poverty at that point. We all got a job where the whole family had to work as security guards and janitors. And I just got angry.

Search For passing In Quotes 54

I am the woman I grew to be partly in spite of my mother and partly because of the extraordinary love of her best friends and my own best friends' mothers and from surrogates many of whom were not women at all but gay men. I have loved them my entire life even after their passing.

I see a wiser person than when I was younger: having babies and passing 30 were the turning points. What women in their 40s - I am 39 - lack in gorgeousness they make up for in wisdom. I love ageing despite the drawbacks - thinner drier skin.

Aging gracefully is supposed to mean trying not to hide time passing and just looking a wreck. Don't worry girls look like a wreck that's the way it goes.

My own time is passing fast enough without some national game to help it along.

Time is not a thing thus nothing which is and yet it remains constant in its passing away without being something temporal like the beings in time.

Young poets bewail the passing of love old poets the passing of time. There is surprisingly little difference.

Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does what one feels and what one achieves.

Time is a sort of river of passing events and strong is its current no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place and this too will be swept away.

IT is mere coincidence that Cooper was born in the year which produced The Power of Sympathy and that when he died Uncle Tom's Cabin was passing through its serial stage and yet the limits of his life mark almost exactly the first great period of American fiction.

Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties passing from one step of success to another forming new wishes and seeing them gratified.

If a weakly mortal is to do anything in the world besides eat the bread thereof there must be a determined subordination of the whole nature to the one aim no trifling with time which is passing with strength which is only too limited.

Gray skies are just clouds passing over.

Similarly thought is a system. That system not only includes thought and feelings but it includes the state of the body it includes the whole of society - as thought is passing back and forth between people in a process by which thought evolved from ancient times.

I'm terribly sad about Farrah's passing. She was incredibly brave and God will be welcoming her with open arms.

I can't say I'm happy to be talking about John Ritter and his passing. In my 21 years of Entertainment Tonight this really was one of the most shocking and sad things to have happened.

I'm sad to see the passing of the great drug warriors. I certainly did my part in that battle and I don't regret any of it.

The sad thing is most people have to check with someone before they do the things that make them happy. We're all passing through the least we can do is be happy and the only way to do that is by being selfish.

I'm a feminist but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation. I think what people connect with in novels is this idea of an overpowering encompassing love - and it being more important and special than anything and everything else.

I think I have a strange relationship with time. I'm not really aware of that time passing. I don't feel that I'm wasteful with time. But I'm not aware of it passing.

I have a strange relationship with time. I'm not aware of it passing.

An external electric field meeting it and passing through it affects the negative as much as the positive quanta of the atom and pushes the former to one side and the latter in the other direction.

I gave up on new poetry myself 30 years ago when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens in a hostile world.

The rain which had continued yesterday and last night ceased this morning. We then proceeded and after passing two small islands about ten miles further stopped for the night at Piper's landing opposite another island.

If one man in the country could take all the money what was the use of passing any bills about it?