Search For proper In Quotes 220

My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems give me work give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.

Just as man can't exist without his body so no rights can exist without the right to translate one's rights into reality to think to work and keep the results which means: the right of property.

And it is no less true that personal security and private property rest entirely upon the wisdom the stability and the integrity of the courts of justice.

Silence at the proper season is wisdom and better than any speech.

Suicidal violence is not the exclusive property of the Muslim world. Suicide bombings were a tactic of nationalist struggles in 19th-century Europe and Russia the far east during the second world war and the Vietnam war and in modern Sri Lanka.

What is not conservative about saying 'Don't go to war unless we go to war properly with a full declaration of war and no other way?'

Every night I go over what I did in the day in ethical or moral terms. Have I treated people properly? Did I tell the truth?

To become properly acquainted with a truth we must first have disbelieved it and disputed against it.

Never trust the artist. Trust the tale. The proper function of the critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it.

When a man assumes a public trust he should consider himself a public property.

The proper function of man is to live not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.

Every study on crime and or firearms proves time and time again that 99.99999% of American gun owners do not commit crimes or use our firearms in any dangerous or improper way.

The intellectual property situation is bad and getting worse. To be a programmer it requires that you understand as much law as you do technology.

They've just gone over the line in my opinion and again there's a proper time for a pat down there's a proper time for an advanced technology body search but it has to be done with some thought.

With the help of modern technology I can compose intricate keyboard parts and then I have to go back and learn them in order to perform them properly.

It is impossible for our working people to maintain their full strength if they do not succeed in obtaining a sufficient supply of fat allotted to them on a proper basis.

Running gave me a focus to start looking after myself to eat properly and focus on building up my strength.

My chief gifts are - naturally good at all sports with a raw talent for pretty much everything which if nurtured could develop into improper talent.

Anarchists are socialists because they want the improvement of society and they are communists because they are convinced that such a transformation of society can only result from the establishment of a commonwealth of property.

He who negates present society and seeks social conditions based on the sharing of property is a revolutionary whether he calls himself an anarchist or a communist.

Property is not the sacred right. When a rich man becomes poor it is a misfortune it is not a moral evil. When a poor man becomes destitute it is a moral evil teeming with consequences and injurious to society and morality.

The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their property.

Land: A part of the earth's surface considered as property. The theory that land is property subject to private ownership and control is the foundation of modern society and is eminently worthy of the superstructure.

Where justice is denied where poverty is enforced where ignorance prevails and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress rob and degrade them neither persons nor property will be safe.