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There is no stopping the world's tendency to throw off imposed restraints the religious authority that is based on the ignorance of the many the political authority that is based on the knowledge of the few.

Search For resign In Quotes 34

A sense of duty is useful in work but offensive in personal relations. People wish to be liked not to be endured with patient resignation.

What Clinton did with Lewinsky was despicable but was no threat to the nation. That he lied about it repeatedly and to the public is a reason for us to cease to trust him and for him to resign.

When the plane is delayed it's not the fault of the girl at the desk. I'm resigned to the fact that everything is out of my control and that air travel nowadays is barbaric.

If your man is a sports enthusiast you may have to resign yourself to his spouting off in a monotone on a prize fight football game or pennant race.

I never was a great Thatcher fan and it wasn't a sad day in my life when she resigned.

Ladies and gentlemen it is with great sadness that I announce that I will resign as Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs. I am sad because I love this job. I'm totally dedicated to the work that we are doing in Australia's name around the world and I believe that we have achieved many good results for Australia and I'm proud of them.

I think our relationship with Epic had run its natural course and it happened to coincide with the fulfillment of our contract. We decided not to resign with them.

I did not resign from politics because of Bofors. I resigned because I do not know how to play petty politics. I did not know back then and I don't know now either.

For the victor peace means the preservation of the position of power which he has secured. For the vanquished it means resigning himself to the position left to him.

I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do.

I had to resign myself many years ago that I'm not too articulate when it comes to explaining how I feel about things. But my music does it for me it really does.

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.

Getting out of the hospital is a lot like resigning from a book club. You're not out of it until the computer says you're out of it.

Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary it means accepting it as it comes with all the handicaps of heredity of suffering of psychological complexes and injustices.

When I resigned I put the U.S. Government on notice that I'm going to stick to policy issues that I have no intention of going out and blowing the cover off of the intelligence operations that those are truly sensitive and they should not be exposed.

Poor David Hume is dying fast but with more real cheerfulness and good humor and with more real resignation to the necessary course of things than any whining Christian ever dyed with pretended resignation to the will of God.

After Nixon resigned in 1974 he engaged in a very aggressive war with history attempting to wipe out the Watergate stain and memory. Happily history won largely because of Nixon's tapes.

Are we still a country that takes risks that innovates that believes anything is possible? Or are we a country that is resigned to whatever liberty the government decides to dish out?

Learn to... be what you are and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not.

My passion for gardening may strike some as selfish or merely an act of resignation in the face of overwhelming problems that beset the world. It is neither. I have found that each garden is just what Voltaire proposed in Candide: a microcosm of a just and beautiful society.

Mitt Romney has never been resigned to what someone else said was possible. He cut his own path. That's why he believes in his heart that America has a future full of opportunity and hope. And that's why when Mitt Romney looks down the road he sees a country that's ready for a comeback.

The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present but it is a source of inspiration of vitality and hope where others have resigned it enables a man to hold his head high to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy.

The greatest fear that haunts this city is a suitcase bomb nuclear or germ. Many people carry small gas masks. The masses here seem to be resigned to the inevitable believing an attack of major proportions will happen.

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations yes but above all with blazing serene hope.