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In high school I was on the youth advisory council for the Mayor's Office of Los Angeles and that was kind of my first experience in the bureaucratic system. We tried to get things done and nobody was really interested in getting anything done.

Search For rocket In Quotes 26

War contributes greatly to global warming which shouldn't surprise us. All those bombs going off all those rockets all those planes and helicopters. All that fuel of various kinds being used. It pollutes the air and water of this very fragile and interconnected planet.

Every gun that is made every warship launched every rocket fired signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed those who are cold and are not clothed.

Rocket scientists agree that we have about reached the limit of our ability to travel in space using chemical rockets. To achieve anything near the speed of light we will need a new energy source and a new propellant. Nuclear fission is not an option.

Most technological advances in our life now come from serendipitous discoveries. That is a contraction of rocket technology and computer technology and atomic clock technology.

Rocket science has been mythologized all out of proportion to its true difficulty.

It turns out that understanding the British public is not rocket science. The British appreciate honesty and they also have a bonkers off-the-wall sense of humour like me.

The thing that interests me least about the radio business is the radio business. But I've had to learn a little bit about it. It's not rocket science: You get ratings that's good.

'Rocket Science' is really where I fell in love with filmmaking I think 'Camp' was incredible but it was so bizarre and I was trying to find my footing in this world where you don't have an audience for immediate validation.

What I do is not rocket science but I sure do love it.

Rocket science is tough and rockets have a way of failing.

I don't think makeup is rocket science or a cure for cancer.

Time travel used to be thought of as just science fiction but Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that you could go off in a rocket and return before you set out.

My mother was a modern woman with a limited interest in religion. When the sun set and the fast of the Day of Atonement ended she shot from the synagogue like a rocket to dance the Charleston.

I've done performances in movies that I was immensely proud of and the movies didn't take off like a rocket at Cape Canaveral it didn't take off.

Hezbollah's contempt for human suffering is total as it showed once again this morning when its rockets murdered two Israeli Arab children in Nazareth.

It's absolutely stupid that we live without an ozone layer. We have men we've got rockets we've got saran wrap - fix it!

Many of us are alarmed at the skyrocketing cost of medical care including patients who are the consumers. However medical malpractice is not the reason for these increasing costs.

I was a loner as a child and happiest at home launching toy rockets and aeroplanes. When I started causing trouble in my third year at grammar school Mum was really surprised. My parents sent me to a child psychologist who suggested I might have Asperger's syndrome.

Skyrocketing insurance premiums are debilitating our Nation's health care delivery system and liability insurers are either leaving the market or raising rates to excessive levels.

Since 1994 lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have considered it politically risky to offer a plan to fix America's broken health care system. The American public though has paid the price for this silence as health care costs skyrocketed millions went uninsured and millions more grappled with financial insecurity and hardship.

I always remembered that when I saw people get married they got on a rocketship and went to Planet Happiness Population: Them.

The guns and the bombs the rockets and the warships are all symbols of human failure.

Significant officials at publicly traded companies are casually and cavalierly engaged in insider trading. Because insider trading has as one of its elements communication it doesn't take rocket science to realize it's nice to have the communication on tape.

Making movies is not rocket science. It's about relationships and communication and strangers coming together to see if they can get along harmoniously productively and creatively. That's a challenge. When it works it's fantastic and will lift you up. When it doesn't work it's almost just as fascinating.