Search For sales In Quotes 34

From 1971 onwards the Memorial Day holiday was officially observed on the last Monday in May and became the unofficial start of the summer with barbecues blockbuster movie openings and mattress sales.

Well I think any author or musician is anxious to have legitimate sales of their products partly so they're rewarded for their success partly so they can go on and do new things.

Although housing sales and starts have cooled to more typical levels the housing market remains strong and sound. Without the expansion of homeownership and the strength of our housing market our nation would not have the economic growth we are experiencing today.

Science has yet to isolate the Godiva Chocolate or Prada gene but that doesn't mean your weakness for pricey swag isn't woven into your DNA. According to a new study of identical twins it's less TV ads or Labor Day sales that make you buy the things you do than the tastes and temperaments that are already part of you at birth.

Royalties are not how most writers or musicians make their living. Musicians by and large make a living with a relationship with an audience that is economically harnessed through performance and ticket sales.

Aside from sales the letters from readers have been primarily positive.

Money has transformed every watchdog every independent authority. Medical doctors are increasingly gulled by the lobbying of pharmaceutical salesmen.

The good lawyer is the great salesman.

Currently I am overseeing the construction of the new Trump Tower in Chicago. I am involved in meeting with the construction crews architects and sales teams. I am learning a lot and working with some of the best in the business.

I believe Business Objects is on the cusp of becoming a multi-billion-dollar sales company. There is tremendous growth potential for business intelligence.

When it went on the air the sales department hated it. It was the highest advertising pullout show in the history of NBC. At the early focus groups people were saying 'Who are these people? Why should we watch them?

Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is underway and the pharmaceuticals are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs.

The salesman knows nothing of what he is selling save that he is charging a great deal too much for it.

We are all used to paying a sales tax when we buy things - almost 9 percent here in New York City. The application of this concept to the financial sector could solve our need for revenue bring some sanity back into the financial sector and give us a way to raise the revenue we need to run the government in a fiscally responsible way.

The income tax is a twentieth-century socialist experiment that has failed. Before the income tax was imposed on us just 80 years ago government had no claim to our income. Only sales excise and tariff taxes were allowed.

We have reduced sales tax on food. Now we want it eliminated.

We were told this war would be over in a matter of weeks and that the Iraqis would be able to finance it with oil sales. We were promised it was not a mission of nation building.

So the poet who wants to be something that he cannot be and is a failure in plain life makes up fictitious versions of his predicament that are interesting even to other persons because nobody is a perfect automobile salesman.

No 27-year-old has the experience to run a company that does a quarter of a billion dollars a year in sales.

Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions.

Miller didn't write Death of a Salesman. He released it. It was there inside him waiting to be turned loose. That's the measure of its merit.

I really enjoy theater. I just went to see 'Death of a Salesman ' and it knocked me on my ass.

There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?

At one point my dad called me and said 'You have always been a great salesman. I think it's time you come home and sell swimming pools.'