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I do love DVD and I've always taken them seriously. You know on the Austin things we really put a ton of work into them because there's so much design involved. And in this one we thought a lot about it and what could go in.

Search For section In Quotes 40

Sectional football games have the glory and the despair of war and when a Texas team takes the field against a foreign state it is an army with banners.

If you travel around America you see different sections of highways donated by this or that person and that's a slow beginning of what may end up being a situation common in the Third World: some sections of highways in wealthy areas are beautifully maintained and other parts are just dirt-strewn potholes.

A schedule defends from chaos and whim. It is a net for catching days. It is a scaffolding on which a worker can stand and labor with both hands at sections of time.

The intellectual is different from the ordinary man but only in certain sections of his personality and even then not all the time.

Indeed I regard the enduring support which I have received over the years from all sections of the community in Ballymena as being more than sufficient recognition for any success which I may have achieved as an actor.

My workouts include aerobic exercise for a healthy cardiovascular system strength training to maintain muscle tone and bone density core strength exercise for a stable mid-section and stretching to maintain mobility.

My style has been pretty much like a newspaper. It's got politics in it it's got media sports family relations you know all the sections you would expect and wonderful religion things.

Read the news section of the newspaper and there is confusion and uncertainty a world buffeted by large forces people neither understand nor control. But turn to the sports section and it's all different.

I'm an amateur science enthusiast. I'm not even a professional enthusiast. I don't know anything I never even passed biology in high school. But I read the science section of the newspaper.

I have had stalkers over the years. The police deal with it but it is very scary. One man kept turning up where we filmed 'Countdown in Leeds ' which was scary. It was sad as he'd been sectioned and thought I was talking to him through the TV.

I undertake that in the exercise of my functions of that office I will have regard to any guidance with respect to ethical standards issued by the secretary of state under Section 66 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999.

I just think Texas and that whole Bible Belt section is so like corporate. And I don't agree with organized religion in that respect.

Just about every children's book in my local bookstore has an animal for its hero. But then only a few feet away in the cookbook section just about every cookbook includes recipes for cooking animals. Is there a more illuminating illustration of our paradoxical relationship with the nonhuman world?

African art is functional it serves a purpose. It's not a dormant. It's not a means to collect the largest cheering section. It should be healing a source a joy. Spreading positive vibrations.

It is the desire of the good people of the whole country that sectionalism as a factor in our politics should disappear...'

There is probably a perverse pride in my administration... that we were going to do the right thing even if short-term it was unpopular. And I think anybody who's occupied this office has to remember that success is determined by an intersection in policy and politics and that you can't be neglecting of marketing and P.R. and public opinion.

I know that if the peace movement takes its message boldly to the Negro people a powerful force can be secured in pursuit of the greatest goal of all mankind. And the same is true of labor and the great democratic sections of our population.

There was a chance for me to write one song for the section where Elvis sat in his black leather outfit and sang the old hits. At eight oclock the next morning I had written Memories.

When I was little my mom tells me I used to say things like 'Mom do you hear the string section? Do you hear the string section?' And she would look at me and say 'No honey I don't know what you're talking about.'

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it no real success is possible no matter whether it is on a section gang a football field in an army or in an office.

This is a feminist bookstore. There is no humor section.

My books are shelved in different places depending on the bookstore. Sometimes they can be found in the Mystery section sometimes in the Humor department and occasionally even in the Literature aisle which is somewhat astounding.

The humor section is the last place an author wants to be. They put your stuff next to collections of Cathy cartoons.

You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs.