Search For steal In Quotes 55

There's been a concerted effort to steal Christmas.

A lot of film directors are quite scared of actors. They are a bit of a nightmare sometimes but I like them. It looks like cunning but you try to get extra things from them all the time by stealth by making them feel confident so they trust you and you can push a bit.

I think it goes back to my high school days. In computer class the first assignment was to write a program to print the first 100 Fibonacci numbers. Instead I wrote a program that would steal passwords of students. My teacher gave me an A.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty power is ever stealing from the many to the few.

He who steals a little steals with the same wish as he who steals much but with less power.

To plunder to slaughter to steal these things they misname empire and where they make a wilderness they call it peace.

After all in today's music scene every band seems to steal from other bands.

You're creating new things in movies and people are going to steal them.

But I try to steal other moments. Sometimes I get up very early in the morning and enjoy a quiet house and cup of tea before the craziness begins. Other times I'll take a quick walk on the beach. You can find peace in a few minutes.

Nobody wants to read about the honest lawyer down the street who does real estate loans and wills. If you want to sell books you have to write about the interesting lawyers - the guys who steal all the money and take off. That's the fun stuff.

Drug prohibition has caused gang warfare and other violent crimes by raising the prices of drugs so much that vicious criminals enter the market to make astronomical profits and addicts rob and steal to get money to pay the inflated prices for their drugs.

That is why the analogy of stealing does not work. With a thief we want to know how much money he stole and from whom. With the artist it is not how much he took and from whom but what he did with it.

A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.

There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at and who steals what is most precious to men: time.

When a man steals your wife there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

All the commandments: You shall not commit adultery you shall not kill you shall not steal you shall not covet and so on are summed up in this single command: You must love your neighbor as yourself.

One thing I was thinking about is that they probably get their come-uppance about the same percentage that people in real life do. Basically stealing for all practical purposes might as well be legal in New York.

Baseball is a game where a curve is an optical illusion a screwball can be a pitch or a person stealing is legal and you can spit anywhere you like except in the umpire's eye or on the ball.

Hollywood and the recording industry argue that current law permits the copying of songs and movies and sharing them on the Internet. This enables young people to grow up learning how to steal.

The terrorist uses surprise and stealth and the only way to defeat that is by having accurate and timely intelligence.

About the most originality that any writer can hope to achieve honestly is to steal with good judgment.

Good artists copy great artists steal.

But this will not do God will certainly punish you for stealing and for being unfaithful.

Worry - a God invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse it takes away the appetite and turns the hair gray.