Search For strictly In Quotes 28

I've tried to make 'Strictly Ballroom' impossible to date. It does feel a bit '80s but I consciously made sure there was no technology in the movie that could date it.

My father was a teacher and there were teachers all around his friends they were working for the Government and their behaviour was within strictly limited areas.

But man has still another powerful resource: natural science with its strictly objective methods.

Cultural anthropology is more and more rapidly getting to realize itself as a strictly historical science.

Strictly speaking the idea of a scientific poem is probably as nonsensical as that of a poetic science.

It goes without saying that the desire to accomplish the task with more confidence to avoid wasting time and labour and to spare our experimental animals as much as possible made us strictly observe all the precautions taken by surgeons in respect to their patients.

But strictly speaking this mythology was no essential part of ancient religion for it had no sacred sanction and no binding force on the worshippers.

There are very few people that I deal with from a business side that it's just strictly a one-sided business relationship. I think that's important.

The relationship between the media owner their relationship isn't strictly with people and audiences. It's also with advertisers and that's the most relationship in radio in fact it pays the bills.

Anyone working for a big company might be skeptical that a large business or even a strictly online business can form the same kind of friendly loyal relationship with customers as a local retailer. I'm saying it's already been done because I lived it.

The sight of allegedly sophisticated politicians parroting complete tripe trivialises and demeans government and it has to be stopped. It's played a significant part in public disillusionment with politics and has led to the absurd situation where more people vote for 'Strictly Come Dancing' than voted in the general election.

Whoever wants peace among nations must seek to limit the state and its influence most strictly.

Our marriage is strictly in name only. It has never been consummated.

Strictly speaking my interest is not in legal rights for animals but in a change of heart towards animals.

'Strictly Business' is about a young black man who is learning about himself and that applies to a lot of young black men those who are trying to find jobs. This film gives them a good look at that situation.

History is strictly speaking the study of questions the study of answers belongs to anthropology and sociology.

Economists are coming to acknowledge that measures of national wealth and poverty in terms strictly of average income tell you little that is significant of the health or viability of a society.

My idea in terms of managing a narrative or in thinking in my creative life is that you could easily argue that the past the present and the future all occur simultaneously and if you can postulate that then you're not strictly bound to a linear narrative.

More is required of public officials than slogans and handshakes and press releases. More is required. We must hold ourselves strictly accountable. We must provide the people with a vision of the future.

A film's success or failure is strictly on the director's shoulders.

The human imagination... has great difficulty in living strictly within the confines of a materialist practice or philosophy. It dreams like a dog in its basket of hares in the open.

I'm not strictly vegetarian but meat doesn't play a big part in my diet.

I'm terrible with my workout regime and following it strictly. I'm terrible with a healthy diet and following it strictly. I'm terrible on the weekends about getting up at reasonable hours and all of those things. But when it comes to my work and the discipline it takes to get to work on time - I hate unprofessionalism.

Hip-hop is still cool at a party. But to me hip-hop has never been strictly a party it is also there to elevate consciousness.