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The problem with not having a camera is that one must trust the analysis of a reporter who's telling you what occurred in the courtroom. You have to take into consideration the filtering effect of that person's own biases.

Search For subjective In Quotes 25

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves another loathes. I would say a private paradise in the Caribbean. If you want culture and class I would say Tuscany. If you want exotic I would say Bangkok Thailand.

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves another loathes.

Disappointment over nationalistic authoritarian regimes may have contributed to the fact that today religion offers a new and subjectively more convincing language for old political orientations.

I know music is subjective.

Movies are very subjective.

I think intelligence is totally subjective it's like sexiness.

With humor it's so subjective that trying to think of what the ideal reader would think would drive you crazy.

Comedy is so subjective. You could be in a room with 400 people laughing at a joke and you could just not think it's funny. You're just sitting there like 'Am I in the twilight zone? Why is everyone laughing?' It's such a personal thing. People have such a personal visceral response to comedy.

Comedy's so subjective and if someone comes to watch doesn't get it doesn't find it funny then fine.

Everything in food is science. The only subjective part is when you eat it.

I won't touch on risky because that's subjective. People are just afraid of things too much. Afraid of things that don't necessarily merit fear.

Our subjective experience of time is highly variable. We all know that days can pass like weeks and months can feel like years and that the opposite can be just as true: A month or year can zoom by in what feels like no time at all.

All experience is subjective.

I think generally I'm kind of interested in subjective experience what goes on inside someone's head that being all they really know of the world.

I think I have a tendency to look at things subjectively rather than objectively when I reflect on my experience.

Love is blind. My politics has been too. I think you can fall in love with ideas and you can fall in love with people. It's a very subjective experience. And I'm loyal to that experience.

Music is subjective to everyone's unique experience.

Our science fails to recognize those special properties of life that make it fundamental to material reality. This view of the world - biocentrism - revolves around the way a subjective experience which we call consciousness relates to a physical process. It is a vast mystery and one that I have pursued my entire life.

Dream study impacts culture. We are put in touch with the inner poet who dreams. We hear our inner subjective response to the outer world. That helps spiritualize our lives.

Does not the very word 'creative' mean to build to initiate to give out to act - rather than to be acted upon to be subjective? Living photography is positive in its approach it sings a song of life - not death.

When I speak of the beauty of a game of chess then naturally this is subjective. Beauty can be found in a very technical mathematical game for example. That is the beauty of clarity.

Pessimism only describes an attitude and not facts and hence is entirely subjective.

Money is something that can be measured art is not. It's all subjective.

Art is so subjective and people can react however they want.