Search For successes In Quotes 27

Our markets have not achieved their great successes as a result of government fiat but rather through efforts of competing interests working to meet the demands of investors and to fulfill the promises posed by advancing technology.

We never taste a perfect joy our happiest successes are mixed with sadness.

If you don't mark your successes the day your ship comes in could be just another day at the office and there's no poetry in that.

The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress with its trials and its errors its successes and its setbacks can never be relaxed and never abandoned.

There are a lot of movies that are unbelievable successes that I would be mortified to be a part of.

The failures and successes are necessary for learning.

Each year has been so robust with problems and successes and learning experiences and human experienes that a year is a lifetime at Apple. So this has been ten lifetimes.

Sometimes a technology is so awe-inspiring that the imagination runs away with it - often far far away from reality. Robots are like that. A lot of big and ultimately unfulfilled promises were made in robotics early on based on preliminary successes.

Having a track record to live up to and the history of successes had become a hindrance. It becomes harder to break out of what people expect you to do.

The majority see the obstacles the few see the objectives history records the successes of the latter while oblivion is the reward of the former.

Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all these tiny successes the big ones don't really mean anything.

We never taste happiness in perfection our most fortunate successes are mixed with sadness.

Your successes and happiness are forgiven you only if you generously consent to share them.

One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making a mistake.

This enemy of peace in the world today is unlike any we have seen in the past and our military is learning from and building on previous successes while carrying peace and freedom into the future.

To have faith is to believe in truth believe that truth confers special power on those lucky enough to get a little insight and to know in our hearts that all these things come from God which is why we should never get too cocky about our successes.

One failure is worth seven and a half successes.

You can't have any successes unless you can accept failure.

Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.

It would be great to be able to pass on to someone all of the successes the failures and the knowledge that one has had. To help someone avoid all the fire pain and anxiety would be wonderful.

We climb to heaven most often on the ruins of our cherished plans finding our failures were successes.

To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.

I reflect back 35 years ago and look how far we have come in America with our environmental policy to improve the conditions of our air and water and we have had some real successes.

Civilization has given us enormous successes: going to the moon technology. But then this is the civilisation that took us to debt environmental crisis every single crisis. We need a civilization where we say goodbye to these things.