Search For valley In Quotes 29

The growth of Stewart Airport creates new jobs for area residents brings new business and new travelers to the region and brings new convenient travel options to those of us living in the Hudson Valley.

Silicon Valley has some of the smartest engineers and technology business people in the world.

I love what the Valley does. I love company building. I love startups. I love technology companies. I love new technology. I love this process of invention. Being able to participate in that as a founder and a product creator or as an investor or a board member I just find that hugely satisfying.

Study how water flows in a valley stream smoothly and freely between the rocks. Also learn from holy books and wise people. Everything - even mountains rivers plants and trees - should be your teacher.

We've climbed the mighty mountain. I see the valley below and it's a valley of peace.

Yosemite Valley to me is always a sunrise a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.

There are going to be peaks and valleys in everything - in your marriage in your job in your life. So just enjoy the peaks and ride out the valleys. Just try not to do anything too rash.

Come live with me and be my love And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys groves hills and fields Woods or steepy mountain yields.

The travel writer seeks the world we have lost - the lost valleys of the imagination.

There's a difference between knowing what's on the page in a history book and actually feeling that page have curves and valleys.

Here in Silicon Valley I have taken part in hundreds of conversations trying to convince people to dive in and become entrepreneurs. All too often innovators with good safe jobs are unwilling to put their family's access to health care at risk by walking away from company-backed medical insurance.

One sees great things from the valley only small things from the peak.

The economy in the Valley will need to grow if students want to come back and work with their specialized degrees. We need to develop more to create more opportunities.

Propaganda must appeal to mankind's better judgment and to the necessary belief in a better future. For this belief the valley of the shadow of death is but a war station on the road to the blessed summit.

Now the restaurants have begun to catch up with the wine-making there are numerous great restaurants in Napa Valley and it's wonderful because the people are there for just that: great food and great wine.

Men have looked upon the desert as barren land the free holding of whoever chose but in fact each hill and valley in it had a man who was its acknowledged owner and would quickly assert the right of his family or clan to it against aggression.

The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.

My career was full of struggles and dreams disappointments and peaks and valleys. But there was no Twitter no Facebook or TMZ. Young actors could make mistakes and not become the focus of tabloids.

Death Valley is really wide-open - it's bigger than Rhode Island - and it's less a part of California than an ungoverned territory so there's lots of weird cops-and-robbers stuff going on.

So for twelve miles I rode with Sherman and we became fast friends. He asked me all manner of questions on the way and I found that he knew my father well and remembered his tragic death in Salt Creek Valley.

Even in the valley of the shadow of death two and two do not make six.

Regard your soldiers as your children and they will follow you into the deepest valleys look on them as your own beloved sons and they will stand by you even unto death.

There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.

I think there are four or five interesting pockets where a lot of cool technology companies are getting started. Chicago is one of them. New York is certainly another. Silicon Valley really dominates. And you're seeing some stuff out of Boston and Seattle and down South.