Search For wheel In Quotes 46

I've also committed my time and resources to many local organizations like Christmas in April Catholic Community Services and Hudson County Meals on Wheels.

When I was 12 all I wanted for Christmas was a trampoline or a four-wheeler. I ended up getting both presents for Christmas.

The wheel that squeaks the loudest is the one that gets the grease.

I always travel with my bike and it has become a little more difficult to do it nowadays but I stick it in 3 5 by 6-foot case and wheel that thing in.

A careful inspection showed them that even if they succeeded in righting it by themselves the cart would travel no longer. The axles were in a hopeless state and the missing wheel was shattered into pieces.

Inventor: A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels levers and springs and believes it civilization.

I see nothing in space as promising as the view from a Ferris wheel.

There are things that I invented - the creaky geriatric robot that is always grumpy for example or the little wheelie guy he's not in the Hasbro lore. But kids love that stuff - this little guy as a pet on a chain. They gravitate towards it.

Imagine the peace symbol. The peace symbol has three pieces in it. One piece is emotion that's your body. Another piece has spirit in it that's your fuel. Another piece has intellect in it and that's your steering wheel. You can never overdo the fuel that goes into the body which is the emotions and the steering wheel to drive it.

Nothing is so beautiful as spring - when weeds in wheels shoot long and lovely and lush Thrush's eggs look little low heavens and thrush through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring the ear it strikes like lightning to hear him sing.

I don't profess to have music as my big wheel and there are a number of other things as important to me apart from music. Theatre and mime for instance.

I'm a soccer mom. I'm T-ball soccer karate homework keeping them on their schedules. I love being the snack mom when I get to bring the cut oranges. I have one of those coolers with wheels. I'm at every game every practice sitting on my blanket. I love it.

Curiosity is free-wheeling intelligence.

If you own a home with wheels on it and several cars without you just might be a redneck.

He who puts out his hand to stop the wheel of history will have his fingers crushed.

One of my producers said this business is like a hamster on that little wheel thing that goes around and around. You may have a great day and get great ratings but then you've got another show to do - whatever moment of success or happiness you have you've got to keep grinding it out for the next day.

It was physically difficult adjusting to wheelchair life but I remember a great relief and happiness that I was finally getting somewhere finding musicians to work with that were sympathetic.

No great idea in its beginning can ever be within the law. How can it be within the law? The law is stationary. The law is fixed. The law is a chariot wheel which binds us all regardless of conditions or place or time.

I'd like to get four people who do cart wheels very good and make a cart.

Projecting a persuasive image of a desirable and practical future is extremely important to high morale to dynamism to consensus and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly.

But sooner or later I'd love to do a comedy. I mean I think that you know people don't think that that's in my wheelhouse because I've sort of played a lot of dramatic stuff and that's certainly a side of myself that I want at some point in the right context in the right stuff that I find really funny.

I have also just finished three weeks on a soap opera in England. The soap opera is a rather famous one called Crossroads. It was first on television 25 years ago and it has recently been brought back. I play the part of a businessman called David Wheeler.

We're not trying to reinvent the wheel for any environmental organization to claim sole responsibility for any kind of victory is insane because everybody attacks these problems as a group.

Education then beyond all other devices of human origin is the great equalizer of the conditions of men the balance-wheel of the social machinery.