Search For worried In Quotes 49

From beginning to end I worried that Ang Lee wouldn't be satisfied with my work. So I worked as hard as I could to earn his trust because you only get a chance like this once.

Research shows that parents are the single biggest influence on children - if you are worried about your teen and drugs talk to them.

I have a grandson who is 20. He's a computer guy. I'm worried that he can't communicate without his machine. They have no personal contact with people. That's the bad part of technology.

American officials have bent over backwards to show how sensitive they are to Muslim culture. It didn't seem very effective. They seem to be worried about winning the respect of other people.

I think the church and the religion right now have a lot more to be worried about than SLAYER.

Everyone asks me about being so worried or thinking about existence as if I'm the only person who can't understand why a tree grows the way it does or why a person is in power when they're not that great. These are questions everyone has.

One of the big changes in politics has been because families individuals have felt worried insecure... worried about the economy worried about their jobs worried about their kids' futures... actually the disconnect between the public and media discourse and people's everyday concerns has become bigger not smaller.

I'm worried about parents who aren't parenting.

I spent all my time on my movies worried that people were eating and that the schedule was being kept so to have experts in those areas giving me the brain space as a writer and director is huge.

I was the first in my peer group to get pregnant. All I craved was reassurance. I needed someone to tell me that all the seemingly random symptoms I had - weird things such as excess saliva - were normal. And I was worried because I wasn't getting any morning sickness.

If you are worried about job security and do not have an adequate emergency fund (ideally eight months' worth of living expenses stashed away in a federally insured bank or credit union) you need to focus more on saving money than paying down the balance on your credit cards.

When I was six years old my friend was auditioning for 'Annie ' and I decided I wanted to audition with her. My mom was worried I would fall flat on my face because I'd never opened my mouth to sing so she sent me to vocal lessons. I did the audition and fell in love with the entire process of a show.

Of course I would be depressed sometimes and my Mom would be worried about me because I would just sleep to escape. Cause I was so scared of being a musician or artist or whatever you want to call it.

Before I was a mom I used to think that parents who worried about their kids watching MTV were just clueless. Now that I'm a mom I see what the fuss was all about!

Many of my books come from what if questions that I can't answer things that I'm worried about as either a woman a wife a mom an American.

I was worried about my mom more than I was worried about the president. And then I was worried about the president and then I was worried about myself.

I'm a light sleeper. I've never been one of those people who can put their head down and suddenly everything disappears. Nighttime is the time I get most scared anxious or worried. In those darker moments before waking or sleeping is when I feel most I don't know I can turn on myself and my imagination can take me dark places.

I prefer to win titles with the team ahead of individual awards or scoring more goals than anyone else. I'm more worried about being a good person than being the best football player in the world. When all this is over what are you left with? When I retire I hope I am remembered for being a decent guy.

I have never yet met a healthy person who worried very much about his health or a really good person who worried much about his own soul.

My parents were not very happy. They were very worried about me pursuing a career that even if I had talent might not give me the happiness and the success that they - any parent hopes for their child.

I think all women go through periods where we hate this about ourselves we don't like that. It's great to get to a place where you dismiss anything you're worried about. I find flaws attractive. I find scars attractive.

Hurried and worried until we're buried and there's no curtain call Lifes a very funny proposition after all.

The problem of the world today is the people talk on and on about democracy freedom justice. But I don't give a damn about democracy if I am worried about survival.

You can buy a box of low-fat macaroni and cheese made with powdered nonsense. I'm not worried if I'm using four different cheeses and it's high in fat. It's real food. That's what's more important.