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What I am saying is all health care has a problem with costs. Medicare is growing slower than the private insurance plans. Why? Because of their efficiency. They don't have to give money to shareholders. Why should be defending shareholders?

Search For going In Quotes 1959

We've got a long career ahead of us and it's going to be great. Trust me.

That's a great feeling to know that I'm going into a project that I have no idea what will become of that movie but I really trust Ang Lee. And I really trusted Ron. It's just really nice to work with people that you feel that way about.

Trust me my runners aren't going to run one event while looking past it to the second event. When they get on the line for the 10K that's a do-or-die situation for them.

I almost always do things that I like in some form or fashion. Every once in awhile that means that I don't think the script is any good and I don't have any trust in the people but the film is shooting in Sri Lanka or somewhere like that so I'm going.

I hope and trust the infinite the eternal and merciful and loving God. I worship Him and feel no guilt in my heart before him for what I am going to do.

When you're told to go brief a United States senator on a covert operation you go do it. And you trust the information isn't going to leak.

I find I like to work with a lot of the same actors because I find that there's sort of shorthand there and there is this unspoken trust both ways. They trust me and I trust them. And I know what I'm going to get from them to an extent. It's just fun kind of creating this little family.

Any agreement that you have isn't going to be based on North Korea's intentions or trust.

If you're an original thinker you are going get told 'no' a lot and you have to be able to hear 'no' many times from the bankers and trust that at some point someone is going to recognize that you are an artist and not a can of soda.

My interactions with Sorkin were agonisingly weird. He is by far the weirdest person I have ever met. I had dinner with him and a few hours before I got an e-mail from his assistant saying 'Sean this does not need to be a long conversation. Aaron is only going to use it to win your trust.'

But trust me if I lived in the '80s I would definitely be the one going to the record stores.

And as I've gotten deeper into the process of making films and television and such I think I have more trust in the fact that you really never know what you're going to find after the twenty-fifth take.

When I'm on stage it's a little world I've created where I'm sort of the thing so I have total control over everything that happens. When we're improvising I'm with someone I totally trust. I know things are going to work out. I don't have those guarantees in life. There are no consequences on stage.

It's not fun facing a ball going 97 mph trust me.

I think a film set is a quite controlled environment and you feel like you can trust them and it is going to be a safe place to work but I really don't think about it.

There is so much temptation to hold on to my career even more now. To try to micromanage and dictate every little aspect. But that's not how I want to do things anymore. I'm thinking about how can I trust God more. How can I surrender more? How can I bring him more glory? It's a fight. But it's one I'm going to keep fighting.

I also don't trust Caribou anymore. They're out there on the tundra waiting... Something's going down. I'm right about this.

The people of Wisconsin have been good to me. I've tried to live up to their trust. And now I ask those hardworking men and women and millions like them across America to join our cause and get this country working again. When Governor Romney asked me to join the ticket I said 'Let's get this done' - and that is exactly what we're going to do.

I love that we can trust Barack to do what he says he's going to do even when it's hard - especially when it's hard.

Do not trust the cheering for those persons would shout as much if you or I were going to be hanged.

Who can I trust? You have to invest in somebody and chances are you're probably going to invest in somebody who's going to deceive you. I've been conned a couple of times but now I'm a little more savvy.

We must trust our own thinking. Trust where we're going. And get the job done.

You travel across the country you visit departments you give talks you talk about the work at your laboratory - what's going on what the opportunities are there - you talk about your own research.

I think it's important to travel around in order to get a notion of what's going on to find out what people are think about. I enjoy talking on campuses most because people are more informed and discussion is generally livelier.