Search For beings In Quotes 188

All the different nations in the world despite their differences of appearance and religion and language and way of life still have one thing in common and that is what's inside of all of us. If we X-rayed the insides of different human beings we wouldn't be able to tell from those X-rays what the person's language or background or race is.

Now I think one of the reasons why religion developed in the way that it did over the centuries was precisely to curb this murderous bent that we have as human beings.

Nothing has done more to separate and divide human beings one from another than exclusivist organized religion.

Human beings must be known to be loved but Divine beings must be loved to be known.

Human beings have speculated about the relationship between inspiration and insanity for centuries.

It is true that women tend to be more identified with their bodies because in this crazy world both men and women measure women's value as human beings in relationship to their physical appearance.

Sex is... perfectly natural. It's something that's pleasurable. It's enjoyable and it enhances a relationship. So why don't we learn as much as we can about it and become comfortable with ourselves as sexual human beings because we are all sexual?

When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because you see humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.

In our natural state we are glorious beings. In the world of illusion we are lost and imprisoned slaves to our appetites and our will to false power.

I believe that when you work on yourself you are attracted by different more positive beings.

We must remember that politics is more than a power game. The core of politics in my view is to serve our citizens to serve our fellow human beings.

We are naive and moralistic women. We are human beings who find politics a blight upon the human condition. And do not know how one copes with it except through politics.

I look for the humanity in people however big the politics or oppressive the situation may be whether it's subsumed within a human being or between two human beings. I want to help us hold a mirror to ourselves.

Politics is human beings it's addition rather than subtraction.

The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own.

Justice sir is the great interest of man on earth. It is the ligament which holds civilized beings and civilized nations together.

Poetry leads us to the unstructured sources of our beings to the unknown and returns us to our rational structured selves refreshed.

Cat: a pygmy lion who loves mice hates dogs and patronizes human beings.

We are a Nation of peace and compassion yet these people have and will devote every fiber of their beings to the destruction of Americans and our Country.

If there are finer beings than German short hairs I don't know what they are. In their eyes is peace.

Peace Train is a song I wrote the message of which continues to breeze thunderously through the hearts of millions of human beings.

Our most important task is to transform our consciousness so that violence is no longer an option for us in our personal lives that understanding that a world of peace is possible only if we relate to each other as peaceful beings one individual at a time.

Success for me its to raise happy healthy human beings.

Nature says women are human beings men have made religions to deny it. Nature says women are human beings men cry out no!