Search For common In Quotes 364

Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.

The mere assemblage of peace loving people to interchange convincing reasons for their common faith mere exhortation and argument to the public in favor of peace in general fall short of the mark.

I believe that the Framers of the Constitution made their intent clear when they wrote the First Amendment. I believe they wanted to keep the new government from endorsing one religion over another not erase the public consciousness or common faith.

I want the French people to respect values that allow each individual to practice his or her faith but in the frame of our common rules of secularism.

Our society is illuminated by the spiritual insights of the Hebrew prophets. America and Israel have a common love of human freedom and they have a common faith in a democratic way of life.

It is commonly said that a teacher fails if he has not been surpassed by his students. There has been no failure on our part in this regard considering how far they have gone.

Failure is unfortunately as common as success.

Divorce is so common and accepted in America that beating myself up over it may sound ridiculous. But I was raised to believe that divorce wasn't an option to me divorce equaled failure. I wasn't able to change that equation until I found myself in the right relationship.

One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be and how dangerous it is to trust them.

I have the ordinary experience of being anonymous when I'm in an airplane talking to air-traffic control and they don't know who they're talking to. I have a lot of common experiences.

Though 'Fire and Rain' is very personal for other people it resonates as a sort of commonly held experience... And that's what happens with me. I write things for personal reasons and then in some cases it... can be a shared experience.

Food is our common ground a universal experience.

Common sense is the measure of the possible it is composed of experience and prevision it is calculation applied to life.

The dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution is one of the pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces but which all experience refutes.

Masterpieces are not single and solitary births they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common of thinking by the body of the people so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.

To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of understanding one must use the same words for the same genus of inward experience ultimately one must have one's experiences in common.

It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.

The Internet is the hope of an integrated world without frontiers a common world without controlling owners a world of opportunities and equality. This is a utopia that we have been dreaming about and is a world in which each and every one of us are protagonists of a destiny that we have in our hands.

We are all different. Yet we are all God's children. We are all united behind this country and the common cause of freedom justice fairness and equality. That is what unites us.

Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.

All this talk about equality. The only thing people really have in common is that they are all going to die.

We should restore a proper balance in environmental regulation and energy production that is based on common sense not political agendas.

And I know that the younger generation is doing things that are so ingenious. And for them it's not a matter of a political belief or an environmental stance. It's really just common sense.

It's commonly said that people who've been ill in childhood and who've had an upset education never really regret that they do. It means that you don't look at the world in the way that other people do and if you were inclined to be a writer that's a help.