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It was not enough to come and listen to a great sermon or message every Sunday morning and be confined to those four walls and those four corners. You had to get out and do something.

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Though bachelors be the strongest stakes married men are the best binders in the hedge of the commonwealth.

Science is simply common sense at its best that is rigidly accurate in observation and merciless to fallacy in logic.

The genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or parlors nor even in its newspapers or inventors but always most in the common people.

Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them.

We had common interests in the beauty of the French language. We both had a tremendous love of jazz. We shared dreams of getting married and having a family living in the country leading an idyllic life.

My father always taught by telling stories about his experiences. His lessons were about morality and art and what insects and birds and human beings had in common. He told me what it meant to be a man and to be a Black man. He taught me about love and responsibility about beauty and how to make gumbo.

The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one's soul shine through. If there are places on your body where this is a possibility you are not attractive - you are leaking.

Beauty is only skin deep. If you go after someone just because she's beautiful but don't have anything to talk about it's going to get boring fast. You want to look beyond the surface and see if you can have fun or if you have anything in common with this person.

Certain kinds of speed flow intensity density of attacks density of interaction... Music that concentrates on those qualities is I think easier achieved by free improvisation between people sharing a common attitude a common language.

We live in a country that used to have a can-do attitude and now we have a 'what-can-you-do-for-me?' attitude and what I try to do is find ways that we can develop common ground.

It is commonly supposed that the art of pleasing is a wonderful aid in the pursuit of fortune but the art of being bored is infinitely more successful.

Another unsettling element in modern art is that common symptom of immaturity the dread of doing what has been done before.

The commonality between science and art is in trying to see profoundly - to develop strategies of seeing and showing.

Like music and art love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries.

The greatness of art is not to find what is common but what is unique.

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.

Does it follow that the house has nothing in common with art and is architecture not to be included in the arts? Only a very small part of architecture belongs to art: the tomb and the monument. Everything else that fulfils a function is to be excluded from the domain of art.

I've worn dresses from all different price ranges and the thing that couture dresses have in common is that the fit is amazing.

Men are beginning to realize that they are not individuals but persons in society that man alone is weak and adrift that he must seek strength in common action.

People with fertility problems are not alone. It is a very very common problem for couples today. I've seen statistics that are just staggering.

Eagles commonly fly alone. They are crows daws and starlings that flock together.

Once a disease has entered the body all parts which are healthy must fight it: not one alone but all. Because a disease might mean their common death. Nature knows this and Nature attacks the disease with whatever help she can muster.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next.