Search For hours In Quotes 223

I don't know what has happened to movies but lately every movie is at least 20 minutes too long. It used to be that if you were three hours long it was because it was epic - a movie about Gandhi something with very important subject matters.

All my movies like Revenge are under two hours.

When we shoot 24 there are so many things I have to worry about from the script to technical things to my performance that I don't have a second to be bored or take anything for granted. We produce 24 hours of film a season which is like making 12 movies.

I'm pretty much a 9-to-5 kind of guy. I usually get to work about 8 in the morning and I work until 4 or 5 and sometimes I work on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Pretty much I keep the same hours as an accountant or clerk or whatever.

That was my childhood. I grew up with the monks studying Sanskrit and meditating for hours in the morning and hours in the evening and going once a day to beg for food.

Four hours of makeup and then an hour to take it off. It's tiring. I go in I get picked up at two-thirty in the morning I get there at three. I wait four hours go through it ready to work at seven work all day long for twelve hours and get it taken off for an hours go home and go to sleep and do the same thing again.

They put me on the shift where they thought I could do the least harm midnight to eight in the morning. Although the hours were lousy they were perfect for an apprentice reporter.

Some of those more out-there jokes were written in the wee hours of the morning. Somehow they remained funny the next day.

I had someone call me this morning telling me they had somebody who would only work a certain number of hours a week because if they worked too many hours a week then they couldn't get their government assistance. And that person has multiple cell phones and gets them new every month with new minutes.

At the very end of a book I can manage to work for longer stretches but mostly making stuff up for three hours that's enough. I can't do any more. At the end of the day I might tinker with my morning's work and maybe write some again. But I think three hours is fine.

Oh I have this feud going with the L.A. Unified School District because I keep getting these phone calls saying my daughter keeps missing classes I mean at all hours of the night I had like two calls this morning and I keep calling saying I haven't got a daughter!

You get up about 2-3 o'clock in the morning and get through about 7 or 8 and 12 hours later you start all over. That's the worst kind of work a person can do. You have to do these two shifts to get one day.

I have got up at truly deplorable hours in the morning to confront Vancouver's Jack Webster on television because I have been told that is the place to get exposure for ideas.

He would use amphetamines to stay awake because he would have late night maneuvers that would go way into the early morning hours and he was given pills to stay up for the long hours.

Internet marketing entrepreneurs have truly opened my eyes to just how important a quick turnaround time can be. Often times an interview they conduct with me today is online by the next morning. The interviewee is then able to start making money less than 24 hours after the initial interview.

Some days I would be there at ten in the morning and wouldn't leave till ten at night and the others would waltz in for a couple of hours and then leave because I was doing that painting thing. And they were happy to see that being done.

Sometimes it's so weird just to do an interview. This morning I was back in my parents' house with my brother and we went for a jog together then had breakfast as a family. And a couple of hours later I'm wearing high heels and a dress and makeup and talking about my job.

I could announce one morning that the world was going to blow up in three hours and people would be calling in about my hair!

I had to get up run in the morning for 2 hours go to the gym and also get good opponents as sparring partners because I'm a big believer in that how you train is how you will fight at least when it came to me that's how it worked.

I was getting to bed about 10 P.M. so wound up and not getting to sleep by 11 and because I was putting the prosthetics on for five hours I had to be up at 3 in the morning.

In my day at 12 years old which was 38 years ago we worked out in summer months for two and a half hours. Today someone in that age group might work out for four hours two hours in the morning and two at night.

Four hours of prosthetics every morning the jowls and the nose and it was very hot so they're having to attend to it all day and you're still petrified of so many things such as can I speak properly? Hitchcock never quite lost those East End vowels even though he had the softened California consonants.

I tend to start at 9 o'clock in the morning and write until 3. Those are my best hours. They fit the other rhythms of the world. So I write for six hours pretty much without any breaks.

As one gets older it happens that in the morning one fails to remember the airplane trip to be taken in a few hours or the lecture scheduled for the afternoon.