Search For meaning In Quotes 242

Without food man can live at most but a few weeks without it all other components of social justice are meaningless.

Make food a very incidental part of your life by filling your life so full of meaningful things that you'll hardly have time to think about food.

He doesn't know the meaning of the word fear but then again he doesn't know the meaning of most words.

It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.

The meaning I picked the one that changed my life: Overcome fear behold wonder.

The reserve of modern assertions is sometimes pushed to extremes in which the fear of being contradicted leads the writer to strip himself of almost all sense and meaning.

The famous saying 'God is love' it is generally assumed means that God is like our immediate emotional indulgence not that the meaning of love ought to have something of the 'otherness' and terror of God.

The fire in the belly is essential otherwise you become Michael Buble - famous and meaningless.

There is no fulfillment in things whatsoever. And I think one of the reasons that depression reigns supreme amongst the rich and famous is some of them thought that maybe those things would bring them happiness. But what in fact does is having a cause having a passion. And that's really what gives life's true meaning.

As a novelist I mined my history my family and my memory but in a very specific way. Writing fiction I never made use of experiences immediately as they happened. I needed to let things fester in my memory mature and transmogrify into something meaningful.

To study history means submitting to chaos and nevertheless retaining faith in order and meaning.

Faith consists in being vitally concerned with that ultimate reality to which I give the symbolical name of God. Whoever reflects earnestly on the meaning of life is on the verge of an act of faith.

If there exists no possibility of failure then victory is meaningless.

Music and language are a vital element. We as actors and directors offer it to people who want to experience it. Sometimes the actual meaning is less important than the words themselves.

The greatest way for people to experience a comedy is to go in not knowing anything about it. But because of marketing it's impossible. Marketing meaning that in order to get people to come you can't just go 'Hey there's a great movie - we're not going to show you anything from it but trust us!'

To me the job of the artist is to provide a useful and intelligent vocabulary for the world to be able to articulate feelings they experience everyday and otherwise wouldn't have the means to express in a meaningful and useful way.

The crucial question one comes back to is the examination without that experience is meaningless. And I think it's true that society is becoming more and more passive less and less fired up with enthusiasm in many spheres.

The deeper the experience of an absence of meaning - in other words of absurdity - the more energetically meaning is sought.

The simple act of saying 'thank you' is a demonstration of gratitude in response to an experience that was meaningful to a customer or citizen.

Such happiness as life is capable of comes from the full participation of all our powers in the endeavor to wrest from each changing situations of experience its own full and unique meaning.

The word experience is like a shrapnel shell and bursts into a thousand meanings.

Sex without love is a meaningless experience but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.

Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives.

I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.