Search For moving In Quotes 167

With more than 67 percent of the Nation's freight moving on highways economists believe that our ability to compete internationally is tied to the quality of our infrastructure.

In the theater it's about taking time in a musical segment a pause in a musical way and then moving on.

It is very clear that voice communications is moving on to the Internet. In the end the price that anyone can provide for voice transmission on the Net will trend toward zero.

But you know if you live an affluent lifestyle there are all types of trappings that are there that you have to be cognizant of and you've got to try and communicate freely and gain understanding about and then keep moving on because you know sometimes lifestyles are chosen for us as opposed to us choosing them.

I can tell you one thing Iran is closer to developing nuclear weapons today than it was a week ago or a month ago or a year ago. It's just moving on with its efforts.

Part of growing up is just taking what you learn from that and moving on and not taking it to heart.

There's always something to suggest that you'll never be who you wanted to be. Your choice is to take it or keep on moving.

I've always believed that if you don't stay moving they will throw dirt on you.

Who can't relate to the idea of leaving one chapter behind and moving on to the next?

What surrounds us we endure better for giving it a name - and moving on.

I'm pretty horrible at relationships and haven't been in many long-term ones. Leaving and moving on - returning to a familiar sense of self-reliance and autonomy - is what I know that feeling is as comfortable and comforting as it might be for a different kind of person to stay.

The moving finger writes and having written moves on. Nor all thy piety nor all thy wit can cancel half a line of it.

Man maintains his balance poise and sense of security only as he is moving forward.

Moving on is a simple thing what it leaves behind is hard.

Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.

I'm a person who likes these sort of movies... sad but moving 'art movies' that normally are at a festival and then they go to a small art house theater and disappear.

By going to the movies and because of other things too going to college making a wide variety of friends moving around traveling I became a lot more open-minded than the heritage I was born into might have suggested.

Even if you fall on your face you're still moving forward.

People close to me called me 'Curry in a Hurry.' I was moving through life at 100 miles an hour trying to further my career and be a great mom and make everyone happy.

The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.

In my second year after moving to the Medical School I began the courses of Anatomy and Physiology. I had begun to see that I was interested in cells and their functions.

You know for many elected officials they all started in the same place. You know marriage is between a man and a woman but they understand that they are moving inevitably catching up to the American public.

Marriage resembles a pair of shears so joined that they cannot be separated often moving in opposite directions yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.

Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.