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We've seen some insane signs: 'Is that a loaf of bread in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?' Funny stuff along those lines. Very original. One just said 'I will do unspeakable things.' I thought that was very interesting - and mildly terrifying!

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Ironically Latin American countries in their instability give writers and intellectuals the hope that they are needed.

After spending time with the rescued turkeys at Farm Sanctuary's shelter and seeing how similar they are to my furry companion animals at home I knew I needed to do everything in my power to protect these friendly and curious birds from the daily pain and suffering they endure on factory farms.

At home growing up we weren't really poor. We had everything we needed we just didn't have what we wanted.

The only other time I've been away from home was when I went to college. And that was just an hour away so I could always go home if I needed to.

I stand before you as the governor of Texas but also stand before you the son of two tenant farmers. Ray Perry who came home after 35 bombing missions over Europe to work his little corner of land out there and Amelia who made sure that my sister Milla and I had everything that we needed included hand sewing my clothes until I went off to college.

It began to dawn on me that perhaps my country needed me more at home than overseas.

I wanted to make sure that the man who found the genie would not take terrible advantage of her so he needed to be a person of integrity and honor - which is why I made the male lead an astronaut. The rest as they say is history.

It is imperative for the health and safety of millions of workers that we ensure that breathing systems needed for protection are widely available convenient and economical.

If a State has reliable scientific information that demonstrates that a warning is needed for a particular food then in the interest of public health it should share that information with the FDA and petition for a new national standard.

When I left my parents' home when I was 19 I went to the University of Florida and within 24 hours was in the mental health department. And within 20 minutes I was being told by the director there that they didn't have what I needed there.

In mid-May the House of Representatives approved the full amount of money that the Veterans Administration said was needed for next year - plus an additional $1 billion increase for veterans' health care.

We do not have a functioning market in the true sense of the word in health care. That's a layer of transparency that's sorely needed in America.

Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply to enjoy simply to think freely to risk life to be needed.

This happiness consisted of nothing else but the harmony of the few things around me with my own existence a feeling of contentment and well-being that needed no changes and no intensification.

To achieve great things two things are needed a plan and not quite enough time.

I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.

Thankfully due to the United Kingdom and the commitment of the Westminster government we are able to ensure that money brought in whether it be from the City of London or from North Sea oil can be pooled and directed to wherever it is needed most. That is what being in the United Kingdom is all about.

What the world needs is a small compact flexible fusion technology that could make electricity where and when it is needed. The existing fusion program is leading to a huge source of centralized power at a price that nobody except a government can afford.

If one has a good disposition what other virtue is needed? If a man has fame what is the value of other ornamentation?

Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.

A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.

Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need the remainder is needed by others.

Clearly some creative thinking is badly needed if humans are to have a future beyond Earth. Returning to the Moon may be worthy and attainable but it fails to capture the public's imagination. What does get people excited is the prospect of a mission to Mars.

Sometimes I make very selfish choices like I did 'Once Upon A Time' for my inner 8-year-old and my hypothetical future child. I've done some movies because I would regret them if I didn't but other projects I've done because they've scared me or if I felt I needed to do a big romantic comedy to help me professionally.