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Most of the people I know who work out seriously do so because they have such an amazing outlook on life. To be who I want to be I'm going to work out to be more positive more active. It's proactive.

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I trust every single person around me and if I feel even a whiff of uncertainty I won't have that person around me.

If you have three people in your life that you can trust you can consider yourself the luckiest person in the whole world.

I'm a dirt person. I trust the dirt. I don't trust diamonds and gold.

In your hands or that of any other person so much power would no doubt be dangerous. I am the only man in the world whom it would be safe to trust with it. Remember I am a prophet!

Denial exists because human infants though equipped with trust-o-meters are built to trust blindly and absolutely any older person who wanders past.

With fame you can't trust everybody. You can't depend on them being there for you as a person. They will only be there because of what you've got you as a person. They will only be there because of what you've got and what you can bring to their life. It's not a relationship-it's a leech.

Do not trust the cheering for those persons would shout as much if you or I were going to be hanged.

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves another loathes. I would say a private paradise in the Caribbean. If you want culture and class I would say Tuscany. If you want exotic I would say Bangkok Thailand.

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves another loathes.

When I think of myself at 15 even 17 I could simply not have done this work on an international level and travel all the time take care of myself and not feel lost. I feel very happy that this is happening now and not 10 years ago as I feel stronger as a person.

If you travel around America you see different sections of highways donated by this or that person and that's a slow beginning of what may end up being a situation common in the Third World: some sections of highways in wealthy areas are beautifully maintained and other parts are just dirt-strewn potholes.

We all know we have a problem a broad problem. Ninety-eight percent of the fuel that is used by our vehicles our autos and trucks for personal and commercial purposes for highway and air travel operates on oil. The world has the same problem.

I love to travel. I'm a curious person.

Greater personal choice individually tailored services stronger local accountability greater efficiency - these are all central to the new direction of travel we have set for our public services.

Southern political personalities like sweet corn travel badly. They lose flavor with every hundred yards away from the patch. By the time they reach New York they are like Golden Bantam that has been trucked up from Texas - stale and unprofitable. The consumer forgets that the corn tastes different where it grows.

As a person I was born to give out my opinions. By giving out my opinions I realize who I am. As long as I can communicate I'm not so lonely. If I cannot travel or do art or have company if they take away all my belongings it doesn't matter at all.

Having to travel so much plays havoc with your personal life.

I really enjoy what I do and who I'm with and where I am. Having said that I'm not really a person of habit because what I do in my job is travel around the world and play concerts to people and occasionally do very weird things.

I stepped away to find out more about myself which I was having difficulty doing as a football player. I got a chance to travel the world. I studied Eastern philosophy and I've grown as a person so much.

The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.

I travel around the world constantly promoting my projects and endorsing products. Yes I do get paid to go to parties in fact I'm the person who started the whole trend of paid appearances. But when you see me at a party I'm always working or promoting something.

The first time probably people really were aware of me I unfortunately had the title of Showtime's Funniest Person in America. And that's a really tough title to travel around with when you're not even known.

If I could wake up in a different place at a different time could I wake up as a different person?

The person who grieves suffers his passion to grow upon him he indulges it he loves it but this never happens in the case of actual pain which no man ever willingly endured for any considerable time.