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I grew up in New Jersey and my father was a golf pro so I was groomed for sports but I wasn't very good so my interests lay elsewhere.

Obama often criticizes policies that place the interests of the powerful ahead of the powerless. But through his administration's support of abortion rights Obama shows his lack of empathy for society's most powerless.

Every society rests in the last resort on the recognition of common principles and common ideals and if it makes no moral or spiritual appeal to the loyalty of its members it must inevitably fall to pieces.

These groups within a society can he distinguished according as to whether like an army or an orchestra they function as a single body or whether they are united merely to defend their common interests and otherwise function as separate individuals.

The Ten Commandments have never been replaced as the moral basis upon which society rests.

Corporate executives need to re-frame their responsibilities to include the interests of all the stakeholders in society at large not just shareholders but also employees the citizens of our communities and those who care about the environment.

The individual is not accountable to society for his actions in so far as these concern the interests of no person but himself.

Science rests on reason and experiment and can meet an opponent with calmness but a belief is always sensitive.

The thing that interests me least about the radio business is the radio business. But I've had to learn a little bit about it. It's not rocket science: You get ratings that's good.

The artist does not illustrate science (but) he frequently responds to the same interests that a scientist does.

You will soon find that I am a bit obsessive about my work. And that is a little sad one often feels strangely restricted not finding time to simmer although one actually has many interests.

In parallel with the development of my interests in technical gadgetry I began to acquire a profound love of and respect for the natural world which motivates my scientific thinking to this day.

We are more thoroughly an enlightened people with respect to our political interests than perhaps any other under heaven. Every man among us reads and is so easy in his circumstances as to have leisure for conversations of improvement and for acquiring information.

The restriction of religion to private life therefore does not necessarily threaten the vital interests of the majority religion if there is one and it protects minority religions from tyranny of the majority.

The first and most important is to emphasize the enduring nature of the alliance relationship particularly with Europe which does share our values and interests even if it disagrees with us on specific policies.

I think every relationship has a point where you stop and reevaluate. Are you happy? Have you grown together or apart? What do you share interests in? I think that's a normal thing to do but it's so much harder when it's done publicly.

We believe in a flexible union of free member states who share treaties and institutions and pursue together the ideal of co-operation to represent and promote the values of European civilisation in the world advance our shared interests by using our collective power to open markets and to build a strong economic base across the whole of Europe.

The 'anti-globalisation movement' is the most significant proponent of globalisation - but in the interests of people not concentrations of state-private power.

I believe in the transformational power of liberty. I believe that the free Iraq is in this nation's interests. I believe a free Afghanistan is in this nation's interest.

There is this concept of politics as a dirty game. It's a difficult game but it doesn't have to be dirty. I think this is what we need to bring to politics. I think politics around the world has very often been captured by big interests - 'lobbies' they call them in the States.

I ask you: turn a deaf ear to the special interests. Let politics stand down for a while. don't waste anytime thinking about future elections until we've done our jobs here.

I met my wife Anne who was a sociology student and her influence together with activities associated with the student movement of the time opened up my interests amongst other things into the theatre art music politics and philosophy.

I don't take a great deal of interest in party politics. Social politics interests me a great deal more.

We tend to think of politics as bad full of dirty tricks negative ads big campaigns but I am here to explore the original meaning of politics which is positive and has to do with balancing competing interests and looking for solutions.