Search For spend In Quotes 479

What I'm attempting to do is to show people that if I can spend some time with very dangerous spiders and snakes and scorpions then maybe they'll feel different about the spiders and snakes they find around their areas. I don't need people to keep them as pets. I just like them to be respectful and see that everything in nature has its place.

The world is too much with us late and soon getting and spending we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours.

I'm concentrating on staying healthy having peace being happy remembering what is important taking in nature and animals spending time reading trying to understand the universe where science and the spiritual meet.

I'm prepared to spend the rest of my life playing clubs if that means I'm playing music that I believe in.

Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.

Here's the thing about movies all movies end up on television. That's their life. Whether you like it or not I don't care how much money you spend on it or how big or broad the film is or who the actors are in it eventually it's all coming out of the box.

I had a daughter who was 9 years old and I had the feeling I wasn't going to be a real parent if I didn't quit making movies for a while and spend time with her. I also felt that I'd made enough movies and said what I had to say at the time.

I used to spend every morning in detention at my old school.

When I run in the morning my body spends the first 20 minutes trying to figure out what's happening to it.

It's disrespectful to tell the French in the morning that you're going to reduce the debt in the evening that you're not going to make any savings and the next morning after thinking about it that you're going to spend more.

The crew are the faces you see every morning and last at night before you go home. I spend more time with those people than I do with my friends and family so they're forever a part of you and who you become as an actor so I hope I see them again.

The greatest job I ever had was working on my family farm. Each morning my father would come into my bedroom around 4:30 am and command me to get up and work the fields. I would spend the next two hours before school slopping pigs and cropping tobacco.

I've found myself at one in the morning just sitting at my desk spending an hour returning emails from the day until like two in the morning. It's ridiculous I should be sleeping or dreaming or reading a novel.

Most songs have meager beginnings. You wake up in the morning you throw on your suspenders and you subvocalize and just think. They seem to form like calcium. I can't think of a story right off the bat that was that interesting. I write things on the back of my hand usually and sing into a tape recorder.

My personality when tasked with creating meals goes something like this: Is there a way we can make this more difficult? Because let's do that. I don't mean to complicate things. It's just - why buy pre-packaged potato salad when you can spend your morning boiling potatoes and flipping out because there's no dill in the house?

It's never really that much fun for me to do movies anyway because you - you know you have to get up very early in the morning and you have to go in and you spend a lot of time waiting around.

Making films can be absolutely fantastic but it can also be incredibly dull. You spend the whole day sitting by yourself in your trailer and then you get called to deliver one sentence - then you're told to come back and do it again at 5:30 the following morning.

Most of the time I spend when I get up in the morning is trying to figure out what is going to happen.

I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning like the pure air of the mountains - so simple so true if once understood.

Lose an hour in the morning and you will spend all day looking for it.

I have no one to leave the money to. I'm a single man. I like spending my money.

The inequalities are greater now than in '92. Some states have equalized per-pupil spending but they set the 'equal level' very low so that wealthy districts simply raise extra money privately.

If I feel strongly I say it. I know I can do more good by being vocal than by staying quiet. I'd have a whole lot more money if I lied but I wouldn't enjoy spending it.

Money is always on its way somewhere. What you do with it while it is in your keeping and the direction you send it in say much about you. Your treatment of and respect for money how you make it and how you spend it reflect your character.